

New Member
can someone plz tell me how many sensors on the R actully affect the running of it?

i need to find them and clean then up and this may help my problem

just cleaned up the maf sensor with carb cleaner now need to either replace or clean the others can some one plz tell me where they are and the best way to clean them cheers


might be better to list what your problem is and see what help people can offer as it may be something someone has had before and save you a lot of time and messing around


also id suggest servicing the car if it hasnt been recently as that alayws seems to clear up some problems


New Member
Crank Angle Sensor
- Engine Temp Sensor
- Detonation Sensor
- Throttle Sensor

cheers for that shalom

the car is still not ticking over have replaced alternator, spark plugs, fuel pump, fuel pump relay, checked the earth to the fuel pump and still nothing battery also got replaced.

from wot i can gather its a sensor of some sort that is preventing the car from starting is that possible and which one is it most likely to be?????

its been nearly 3 week without the R now :cry:

the car was last serviced about a month and half ago after i got my avcr plugged in