sense line problem


Brett G

This is probably going to be very vague until I get a picture up but here goes: There is a little unit (air flow unit possibly??) that sits just in front of the intercooler and to the right (looking from the front), it has two rubber sense lines coming from the bottom of it, one of mine is going just to atmosphere, i think its the one on the left (again looking from the front). Is this normal? As the other day I see one with the same line going to the compressed side of the turbo (the pipe between the turbo and intercooler) but mine does not have anywhere to join it there?? The one I see had a boost controller etc and mine is pretty standard at the moment. Can anyone help?

Cheers guys



sounds like the boost soleniod valve that the ecu uses to controll the actuator. it come from the back of the throttle bodies to the valve then from the valve to the actuator at the turbo i think. if yo have a boost controler it will do away with the valve but it should be connected to the same points.


New Member
try this it may help'','FullView','width=700,height=500,resizable,scrollbars,location'); void('');

Brett G

Thanks for the replies, i've only just got on the computer to check them. Hey daz its #6 on the diagram that is going
to atmosphere and I havent got the three way adapter (T-piece) just a straight line with no break in it!!???
Why does my car still run fairly normally? :?: any ideas??

Cheers guys

Brett :wink:


New Member
cause the boost control solenoid controls your boost pressure therefore if the solenoid is not plumbed into the vac pipes then the car will run boost up too what ever your actuator pressure is ie the wastegate will only open when the boost reaches a certain level all the solenoid does is allows the ecu to control the boost level if you understand and correct me if im wrong


New Member
I might be wrong, but I think that your car will only be running 0.5 bar of boost with the pipes connected like that (presuming that your actuator is standard, and you have no other boost mods)
Have you ever had the car rolling roaded, or been in a different 'R, it may be that yours should be faster than it is 8)
What does your boost gauge go up to?

Brett G

Hey Davey looks like this was deliberate which is cool 8) as when my engine was changed Kieran and John gave it back to me
with a safe (deliberate) low boost until I get it all set up properly with my unichip and Blitz spec R 8) Which I am doing
this month :D .
My car is only showing 0.5 bar as you stated and at times this can be a little embarracing when
Porch kayenne turbo's start doing you off the lights :oops:
If I just get a T peice and re-connect this will this be safe?


Brett :wink: