Sell or break?



Right i've got a UK spec gti-r on a J plate thats done 45,000 miles. I want to sell it now and move onto a new project but because it isn't in mint condition I wouldnt get what i want for it.
My main problem is proving the work that has been done to the engine. The person who had the work done spent £7500 on the engine and had all the paperwork but can't find it all to give to me as the work was done about 6 years ago. The car sat for 5 years after never run. I got it up and running and had it tuned.
The body work is what lets it down, although there is no rust the paintwork is poor in places and there are a number of dents.
It stands me in £6000 in total and obviously no one likes to loose too much money on a car.
I'm not sure what to do. Sell complete or break????


either way your not gonna make 6k on it!
half that and then your talking;-)

im flogging an hks forged engine for 2k and thats a fair price, and its not been built that long ago (with proof)
gearbox 350-400
other stuff is all peanuts as theres loads of people breaking them now so your looking at 3k if you break it and probably 3 to 3.5k if you sell it complete. definately forget getting 6000 for it


swawuk said:
I'm not sure what to do. Sell complete or break????
with out being able to prove the engine work its next to useless, Who is going to pay good money for an unknown quantity like that :doh: .

I doubt you'd get much more than 3-4k max for it as is, Breaking it might get you a little more but I doubt it very much and you will be stuck with a load of cr@p you can't get rid of.

I say you should sell it as is and cut your loses it will save you hassle in the end.



Yeah i know i wouldnt get 6k for it thats for sure but id like to see 4-4.5 as i got piggy back ecu, eo1 boost controller etc to go with it....


swawuk said:
Yeah i know i wouldn't get 6k for it thats for sure but id like to see 4-4.5 as i got piggy back ecu, eo1 boost controller etc to go with it....

Just sell them separately and flog the car for as much as you can get, But be warned a car with quaife box and forged rebuild went for something like £1500 recently :shock: :der: .

So don't get your hopes up fella.



Bl00dy hell 1500, maybe i should keep it and wait for it to become a classic and more rare. come on chaps smash them up i'll be the only one on the road.....:lol: :lol: :lol:


nope mine and odins will be the only ones left, and possibly kieras too as it never goes anywhere. then they will be worth a mint.
my last count is 22 cars smashed now:lol: thats in 18 months, i will rid the world of the nasty little fcukers:twisted: :lol: :lol:


swawuk said:
Bl00dy hell 1500, maybe i should keep it and wait for it to become a classic and more rare. come on chaps smash them up I'll be the only one on the road.....:lol: :lol: :lol:

They really have reached rock bottom at the moment, Mind you coxies old car went for a good price, But that is about as good as it gets in the R world 8) :-D .

Take bobs advice as far as breaking it goes, I don't think you have enough stuff of value to make any real money, Either fix it up or cut your loses....

If you have another project in mind then sell up and get on with your life, Their is nothing worse than having a car on the drive that you have no heart for :cry: :doh: .

Just remember you never make money on cars, If I sold mine I'd loose enough to buy a flat in some towns :shock: :doh: .



New Member
Keep it as it is a UK car afterall and those are rare already.

Agree with above comments, you will never see 6K back, unless of course you spend 6k to get it to something someone will pay that for the whole thing :lol:

Keep it, take it off the road if necessary and save money that way, then you can get yourself a nice diesel and run that for a bit lol.



Its always a funny one what to do with a car you want rid of, years ago I had a 309 Gti, paid 1k for it standard, put an Mi16 engine in, then took that out and fitted a 2.0l 8v turboi engine, 6 speed box coilovers n that.

Then 2 yrs later after gettin fed up I sold it for..... a grand. About 5k down the drain, Couldve paid for a mortgage oop north at the time !!

Mine owes me a few quid, but Im deffo up for getting the most out of it and keeping it long term, it just aint worth gettin rid of !!