


Ok, so in my quest for more power i have bought a Walbro and Apexi Safc2.Next up will be some kind of boost controller and some cooler plugs.
Anyway, i want to start getting things fitted and luckely there is a great 'how to' guide for the Walbro....

(You can see where this is going eh? :lol: )

Can't find any really useful information on the Safc apart from "its a piece of piss mate" or "check the Apexi website for a wiring guide"

Problem one is the Safc2 is not new and has no instructions at all :( Problem two is the Apexi site does not seem to have the information i need.

Can some kind/bored person either find me the right link or give me some pointers? I really don't want to go cutting into the ECU without knowing for 100% sure i know what i'm doing!



deisel weasel said:
6Miester said:
give me some pointers?
throw it in the bin and get e-manage :wink: :lol:
Great thats just what i need-a smart arse! :roll:

Ok 'clever' tell me what these wires do:

Pink (your favorite i'm sure)

:lol: [waits for 'useful' reply]

the missus has a car that actually one???? some
It WON by the way :p


do a search mate, i fit one a few months ago, and there was some info on here that helped me, i say this as i cant remember off the top of my head atm what went where. :lol:


kevgti-r said:

took me ages to find :lol:
Have you tried it though? For some reason my version of acrobat keeps asking for a Japanese langauge patch or something? Tried the Adobe site but can't seem to find any help there :(

if you can find noah i think he had one of those safc thingy-me-bobs in his ark
I gave Noah a ring but he says the Arks gone in for some undersealing and won't be back for a couple of weeks :wink:


New Member
Im not sure if this helps but here is a how to i did for fitting the safc to a nissan s12. It should be reasonably similiar to set up on the gtir.

Now the way the SAFC does it's job is by being connected to the computer. Here is a picture labeling where each wire needs to be connected to in order for the SAFC-2 to work.

Gray is tapped into the TPS.... stock S12's do not have TPS's (they have ONE switch) so this can was left untapped. Im not familiar with gtir sensors but u will get the idea.

The yellow is the SAFC's MAF output. This wire will eventually be connected (inline not spliced) to the ECU's MAF input. It will give the computer the "corrected" MAF signal

Ground 1 is connected to the ECU's ground wire and should be spliced into the wire farther away from the ECU after.......

Ground 2 is connected to the same wire a little bit closer to the ECU compared to the splice for ground 1

The green wire is the RPM signal. Obviously you will splice into this wire from the ECU's RPM signal input.

The white wire is the SAFC's MAF sensor input. This wire will connected to the MAF sensor output.

when you cut the ECU's MAF input you will connect the MAF portion to this wire and the ECU part to the yellow wire get it?

The Blue and purple wires are the MAP (manifold aboslute pressure sensor) sensor input and outputs for the SAFC. . If It doesn't use a MAP sensor for metering fuel. So obviously don't do anything with them.

I don't have the instructions anymore and I forget what the orange one is for but I made this picture when I had them so I'd say the orange isn't used either.

The purple wire will be spliced into the Knock sensor input wire.

and finally the red wire is the 12v power source which you will also get from the ECU's power wire.

One it's all wired in you're good to....

Setup the SAFC.

First you will have to tell the SAFC how many cylinders the car has, what type of metering system the car what metering sensor the car has and what type of TPS the car has.

So here's how you do it.

Turn the key to the on position DO NOT START THE CAR IT I WON'T RUN ANYWAY.

Then the SAFC should start dancing around

use the stick to scroll to the etc. menu and press the button

Then go to car select

This screen is what you will see

So using the pad set the # of cylinders to 4 then go over and set the "thr"(tps)
Go back to the etc. menu by pressing left on the stick. Then go to sensor type

You will see this screen

continue by pressing into the Hot-wire selection
You will see this screen

Except for the fact that 01's will be the default and you will see them in place of the 04's. 04 is for the the CA18DET (s13)sensor which i had on my s12. Now if you put different numbers in the SAFC will convert the sensor's voltage range you currently have (say a 300zx TT sensor) into what the computer is progammed for allowing you to use a different MAF sensor (so long as it's measuring capacity is more than the stock one othewise the car won't run right anyway) without having to hack into the computer's ROM and rewrite it.Once you've done this the car is ready to drive. However you should set the knock sensor correction while you're here.
Start the vehicle now go back to main menu and go to the setting's menu. In there scroll to knock set

now while the car is running of course raise the engine to around 1500 RPM then press right on the stick. This tells the SAFC that this raw knock sensor output is "normal"

Then raise the engine RPM to 3000 RPM and do the same thing.
The result should be around this but the numeric values might be different

Setup is complete, install larger injectors, tune with a wide band


8) I doff my virtual cap to you mr Silvia, you are indeed a gent and no mistake.

Thats Saturday morning sorted anyway!!

Oh and thanks to everybody else for their help....not forgetting Mr Weasels in depth 'knowledge' :lol:


New Member
6Miester said:
8) I doff my virtual cap to you mr Silvia, you are indeed a gent and no mistake.

Thats Saturday morning sorted anyway!!

Oh and thanks to everybody else for their help....not forgetting Mr Weasels in depth 'knowledge' :lol:
No worries matey :wink: