SAFC (old type?) and multichecker wiring help..
I've scoured the above links and think my SAFC (bought from gtiroc member) may be an older type, as the wiring colours don't quite match. Has anybody else had this prob?
The web says there should be two grounds, black and brown. Mine has no brown wire. I'm struggling to get the SAFC working at the moment and think the connections I was given with the unit are wrong, somehow. Its Output is at 98% airflow at tickover. So very rich...
I have white=MAF in (from maf), yellow=MAF out (ECU pin 16), black=gnd (ECU 108), green =rpm (ECU 2), red=ign+12V. (ECU 38)
Any help appreciated. Has your SAFC got no brown wire? Have you wired one like mine into a pulsar?
Probs always come in two's;
The multichecker I'm also wiring in works, but not fully;
RPM read 30% lower than the tacho.
Ignition timing read -60 degrees.
Rest seems ok. (ie. speed, airflow, injector duration, calc AFR).
Again, any help appreciated. Ideally from someone who has wired a multichecker into their pulsar, and has kept the diagram.
The APEXi site does not have this info.