Running problem



I wonder if anyone can help, basically the car runs well for about 5 mins pulling well, after a short period of time the engine feels like its being strangled and wont pull through the rev range that well. it still boosts but not so highly, about 5 - 6 psi. It also ticks over slightly high between 1200 / 1300 rpm

So far ive replaced the plugs with Iridium plugs, new cap and rotor arm, cleaned the maf sensor, and re grounded it, done a fault code check on the ecu which is clear, and searched previous posts.

Ive tried to check the timming but when I fire the strobe the marks arent even there, so I was thinking it could be the knock sensor retarding the igntion??

Any help / input much appreciated.


Sounds a bit like its going into limp home mode.
If the ecu detects a prob such as detination, then it will cut boost / retard the ign timing as a failsafe. This could also be caused by a prob with the knock sensor etc. Try taking it for a drive and checking the fault codes again, sometimes you might not get a fault showing on the first try.
Is the car standard?? no aftermarket boost controller etc??
Your ign timing prob could be related, if the timing is too far advanced and/or you are using poor quality fuel this can cause hassle.
Might be worth gettin a shot of a simple plug and play timing light and paint up all the marks to see what the timing is actually at (there is a guide on here somewhere for setting timing properly).
Hope that helps a bit.


Thanks for the reply. Ive got a feeling its the det sensor, as if I stop and turn the engine off, and re start it goes well again. Ive tried checking the fault codes and it comes up clear every time.

Car is fairly stadard, just an exhaust, filter, and uprated pump. Running on bp ultimate.

Cant work out the timming, basically if I lay under the car and use the strobe light, I can see the marks not far from the bottom as if its 180 degrees out... Would the det sensor retard it that much?

Is there any way I can fool the engine to think the det sensor is okay, just to see if It puts the timing back?


New Member
gareth231 said:
Thanks for the reply. Ive got a feeling its the det sensor, as if I stop and turn the engine off, and re start it goes well again. Ive tried checking the fault codes and it comes up clear every time.

Car is fairly stadard, just an exhaust, filter, and uprated pump. Running on bp ultimate. DONT use that fuel it runs like a sack of poo on it use Optimax

Cant work out the timming, basically if I lay under the car and use the strobe light, I can see the marks not far from the bottom as if its 180 degrees out... Would the det sensor retard it that much?

Is there any way I can fool the engine to think the det sensor is okay, just to see if It puts the timing back?


Okay I try optimax, but that cant be causing the timing to be out so much??


Active Member
My car doesn't mind BP ultimate. It might be worth a go switching to optimax, but if that doesn't work go with the other suggestions ;)



gareth231 said:
Cant work out the timming, basically if I lay under the car and use the strobe light, I can see the marks not far from the bottom as if its 180 degrees out... Would the det sensor retard it that much?

Is there any way I can fool the engine to think the det sensor is okay, just to see if It puts the timing back?
I take it your idle speed is ok, and you are unplugging the tps when you check the ign timing (allowing you to work on the base timing without the ecu interfearing). Are the marks to the front of the bottom or the rear?? it could be your ign is advanced as opposed to retarded causing it to det badly. It could also be the outer edge of your pully has slipped as Fast Guy sais in your other post, I've seen this happen on pajero's and stuff but not on a pulsar yet. It is also possible your timing light is a bit dodgy/set wrong or something??

Check out below for how to test your det sensor.

Oh, and Optimax is refined from a totally different base fuel to BP ultimate, I think ultimate is just super unleaded with some addatives or something. I would use optimax whenever poss.


thanks for the replies, the Idle is about 1100 rpm, yes disconnecting the tps, the marks are more at the back, but youve got to lay under the car to see them! timming gun is spot on, and I connect the lead onto no1 ht lead

Think fast guy may be correct, going to have to check it the old fashion way (take the plug out, find the highest point of the piston and see if it all aligns up with the pointer, got a feeling it wont be, have to check it tomrow now..

John Mc

Gareth don't use BP Ultimate! :wink: For some reason that car has never liked it! I used it when it first came out and the car went straight into limp home mode as soon as I gave it any beans.

Sorry to hear your having a few probs mate, car was running fine when it left me :?

Hope you get it sorted soon :D




Alright John, found the problem with the timming, basically the rubber had split round the pulley, which has made the timming marks useless, I dont think it was even right when I leaft yours to be honest, as I think its down on power, my fiesta destroyed it on the way home. I expect the timming has a lot to do with it, and hoping this sort it. Once its running properly, managment will be fitted :lol:

John Mc

gareth231 said:
Alright John, found the problem with the timming, basically the rubber had split round the pulley, which has made the timming marks useless, I dont think it was even right when I leaft yours to be honest, as I think its down on power, my fiesta destroyed it on the way home. I expect the timming has a lot to do with it, and hoping this sort it. Once its running properly, managment will be fitted :lol:
Ok mate that could have something to do with when the alternator went. A numpty garage fixed it under warranty :oops:

If your Fiesta destroyed it then it must have a problem :p :lol: :lol:

Hope you get it sorted mate and it doesn't cost you too much :wink:

