Running lean over 4k rpm


Hi people, had my car rolling roaded last week, and got an impressive 204bhp :eek:

Its been worked on today by the same tuner, and they pinpointed it to a fueling issue.... they know its running very leane at higher revs (4k+) what i need to find out are some possible causes for them to investigate, as they're pretty stumped at the moment.

any ideas!? the longer its there, the more its going to cost+ i dont want to melt my engine :(




if its all standard, I'd check the fuel pump, probably running out of puff. Also, fuel pressure regulator could be weak causing low pressure.


New Member
Where did you take it? first do a fault code check and if that is all clear then change the fuel filter and get an uprated fuel pump :wink:


Where did you take it? first do a fault code check and if that is all clear then change the fuel filter and get an uprated fuel pump
Hello, its at a tuner in Plympton.. fault code check = all clear, the fuel filter has been bypassed on the rollers, so that rules that out..

The car is only running standard boost, so surely the standard fuel pump should be upto the job? the duty cyle has been tested on the current one, and that was all clear too...

I have owned the car for 6 months, and have only just got round to getting it put on the rollers now, as i was curious as to what power the car has. I have found out from them that the car has been running unlimited boost ever since i have had it :? as the boost control solenoid was bypassed, meaning anything upto 1.6bar was being forced in as and when it wanted... the guys were confised as to why i hadnt already melted a piston because it's running so lean..
The previous keeper had installed one of those cheapy HKS AFR controllers to try and match fueling with his bodged boost upgrade, that has nwo been removed..

I'm pretty annoyed about this, the previous owner was a mechanic himself, and estimated the car was 260ish bhp! so when i found out it was 204 i was a bit gutted :shock:

Any more ideas greatly received, i'm phoning the place later to see whats on, and to pass on any hints i can gather from here (they also do evening work)

cheers for the help guys



New Member
When I bought mine about 18 months ago I went to a rolling road meeting at Powerstation in Cheltenham (they have now moved to Tewkesbury) and mine was only making 186 bhp because the fuel pump was knackered and it was running lean! They changed the pump and filter and put my boost upto 1 bar with a bleed valve and I got 246 bhp, it was this low because I had the dreaded 34 fault code (det sensor). If its not the fuel pump then :? Sorry :)


New Member
Tomble was speaking to ap last night and a mate works there, dont worry mate they are good and will sort it soon.

Sometimes just takes a little while, will have a chat with him and see if i can think of anything for them to try.

I bought the r they had there for about a year and a half, spent a bit of time sort a few probs out and took it back for a rolling road test and made 303bhp. Had there help sorting a few things out and they where very good.


Chiffs, ahh right they were telling me about the R they had stored there for a while! you have put my mind at ease with that comment!

The guys down there seem v.genuine, and very keen to find the problem....
my R is an awkward sod :x

tomble said:
I have owned the car for 6 months, and have only just got round to getting it put on the rollers now, as i was curious as to what power the car has. I have found out from them that the car has been running unlimited boost ever since i have had it :? as the boost control solenoid was bypassed, meaning anything upto 1.6bar was being forced in as and when it wanted... the guys were confised as to why i hadnt already melted a piston because it's running so lean..
Just because the solenoid was bypassed does not mean that you are runnin unlimited boost. This is a boost overide that cuts the boost down for when something goes wrong and then activates this solenoid to stop things from breakin further :?: :oops:
You would still be runnin standard boost which is controlled through the actuator.
The only way you'll run unlimited boost would be if the pipe from the actuator was disconnected.

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
check the voltage to the fuel pu/\/\p too. re-earthing it wont be enough they' ll probably have to run a new positive feed as well.
