Run in Question



How long does it take to run in a rebuilt engine? :?: I have done about 5000 to 7000km since the rebuild and the tunner is saying the engine is still tight :? . It was tunned to about 14.5 to 14.7 psi(190wkw). The engine has better internals(forgies etc…). I want to get more power how long do you normally have to wait :?: .

One other question the first 5000 km after the rebuilt engine used about 1 L of engine oil and was only run about 3psi(which concerned me) :cry: :( :eek: . They then tuned it to 14.5 to 14.7 psi and it has not used a drop in the last 2000 to 3000km :D :eek: . I know things wear in but it seems strange. Is this normal :?:


Active Member
I'd have thought it would be run in by now.Best to stick to what they say though as if you don't and it breaks you'll have no comeback.


dont worry about using a little oil on a new engine mate, as long as you aint burning it that is, new engines have increased internal friction as they bed in, this burns off a little oil, jeff