Roll cage

I have recently perchased a 6 point roll cage it has professionally fitted padding on it I would say where it was made they fitted it, it goes around the dash and im looking forward to fitting it Just wondered what people's opinion are as I want to take all the padding off and get it powder coated do you think it's best left with the padding on or off also what company's make these roll cages as the only one I've seen go around the dash was in a car bob had sure he said they are nismo ones but not sure.


Active Member
Like mentioned above its proberly a cusco/safety21 cage.

Cusco branded cage's are normally blue and are made from chrome molly steel and are lighter than the safety21 branded cages.

Safety21 cage's are black and made from cold drawn seamless carbon steel which is heavyer than chrome molly.

The roll cages all come in the same designs and from the same factory,they are just branded different depending on what steel they are made from.

You are best leaving the padding on if its a road car, and as a bare minimum pad the areas you body can come into contact with.

The padding is also not cheap, and is pretty fiddly to to make a neat job of it.

Heres a couple of pics of a safety 21 cage,the rear obviosly dont need to be padded but i though it look odd with just the front done.

It was also a very tight squeeze to get it to fit nice with al the padding.



Active Member
Keep the padding on, I have the cusco/safety21 6 pointer too and sometimes catch my head on it.Do that on one of the joints and you will split your head open.