Road tax - Goverment petition - sign up here to stop it



This is the biggest move to tax & infringe on privacy ever proposed in this Country!

Best sell your fast car ASAP as it won¹t be worth buttons if this happens!

No apologies for sending this on...This may not interest you and if it doesn't please simply delete it - if you're a motorist, read on and do your duty!

It was stated on the news this morning (27th November 2006) one of the reasons this proposal has been suggested was to raise money for possible road building and improvements to existing roads. It should be noted that all the money currently collected by the DVLA for road fund licences, only 23% - 24% is actually spent on road building and improvements!

The government's proposal to introduce road pricing will mean you having to purchase a tracking device for your car and paying a monthly bill to use it. The tracking device will cost about £200 and in a recent study by the BBC the lowest monthly bill was £28 for a rural florist and £194 for a delivery driver. A non working Mum who used the car to take the kids to school paid £86 in one month.

On top of this massive increase in tax, you will be tracked. Somebody will know where you are at all times. They will also know how fast you have been going, so even if you accidentally creep over a speed limit you can expect an NIP with your monthly bill. If you care about our freedoms and stopping the constant bashing of the car driver, please sign the petition on No 10's new website, sign up here

YOU MUST USE A VALID EMAIL ADDRESS, it sends a link to verify your email address

Please copy this post in to as many forums as possible, strength in numbers


I may be wrong but im pretty sure that it is a breach of privacy to have someone track your car without your permission, so if everyone refuses to have this device fitted, it wont happen surley?


think il move abroad somewhere, i really hate this shitehole of a country now! its full of stupid laws that always benefit those that are wedged up, with no help for the needy like myself!

il fill in the form:thumb:

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
No doubt some clever sod will create a “chip” for them to falsify your mileage or locking your speed at 30mph when your thrashing it around.8)

I wonder how they will deal with areas such as trackdays - “Mr Smith you have 63 NIPS for speeding over 100mph on the 06/12/06”

gtir bean

New Member
this country is only good if you dont want to work,want to come here illegaly,have loads of sprogs that grow up to be **** holes and sponge off the state even more!dont get me started on this again:evil: .i have been looking at oz and newzeland and they seem to havethings a bit more sorted than here.i mean they can go to that sort of effort to get more money out of people yet they give all the wasters a free or cheap house and all the benefits under the sun because they cant be arsed to work and /or ther want to have umteen kids that they dont keep under controll so yet again we have to pay for all the extra policing etc to deal with all that as well as keeping money in ther pockets!the country is run by a bunch of goons!


tell you something matey! oz aint no better, i was gonna emigrate there 3 years ago, went there for 3 months with ex missus and it is full of drugs, gays and hipocrites and worst of all its a police state.

you even need to wear a helmet to go on a skateboard or you get nicked:shock: i got fined over there 3 times in a month:shock: for speeding and twice for not wearing a seatbelt! put me right off the place:roll:

good for a holiday though

gtir bean

New Member
i like the look of newzeland better.will have to look into it further but its a possibility in the not too distant least it would be driving on the proper side of the road:lol:


yeah never been there but heard its very nice indeedy, hard to get in to though unless you are sponsored by a relative or have a huge bond of 100k plus to put up!


New Member
pulsarboby said:
tell you something matey! oz aint no better, i was gonna emigrate there 3 years ago, went there for 3 months with ex missus and it is full of drugs, gays and hipocrites and worst of all its a police state.

you even need to wear a helmet to go on a skateboard or you get nicked:shock: i got fined over there 3 times in a month:shock: for speeding and twice for not wearing a seatbelt! put me right off the place:roll:

good for a holiday though
Listen to this guy. I emigrated from Milton Keynes 8 years ago. This place is a shithole, no better. Got all the same problems. It reminds me of the old saying "you don't know what you got till it's gone" God i miss home :cry:


funny enough i was going to perth aswell, freemantle! glad i stayed now