Road angel....



Hi has any one got the latest road angel in their pulsar? everythime i put mine in the cigg lighter it stays in for a minute then pops out.

If you try to hold it in it sparks and blows the fuse which also makes the boost thing blow too (some blitz thing with four settings?)

I have replaced the yellow fuse so it works for a while then just blows again... do i need a higher powered fuse or what? :?

Thanks :D


The Blitz thing is probably wired through your fag lighter by somne cowboy, when you have plugged the road angel in you will be drawing too much current through the fag lighter wiring so it is popping the fuse, fitting a higher fuse would either damage things which are wired through the circuit or melt the wiring.

Id say your best off rewiring the blitz thing off a more suitable live, jeff :wink:


New Member
What Jeff has said ^^^^^^^^^^^^^, there is obviously something wrong with either the connector on the road Angel causing it to short and blow the fuse, maybe try and get an adaptor for the cig lighter so that it doesn't flop about all over the place, and while your at it sort the connection for the Blitz kit, this will stop the prob id bet.

If you just replace the fuse for a higher amperage then its going to cause probs else where i.e. melting, fires etc :?




Hi thanks for the help really new to all this...where should the blitz thing be wired too so i can still have the use of the road angel? i want to know the best place for it so i can go back to the garage and get it done properly :roll:

Thanks Again :D