Road Angel etc etc


New Member
Im considering getting some sort of detector now as i hear there are new cameras out that are deployed on over head bridges and can be controled from a hidden van? apprently my bro has seen one... but even if thats not the case id just like to know what you guys think of Road Angels and likewise devices? which is the best and do they really work?

sorry if its been posted before, but i had a quick search and didnt find much. thanks for the input guys!


ive got a snooper gps + radar detector, think its the s6rneo. Did a load of research when I bought it, but that was in Feb last year. I'd have a look at comparisons on google etc mate.

Youre right about the cameras, the old bill stick them on bridges and park up behind a hedge and wait for their prey! Have seen quite a few down here.

I think it might be actually illegal now to have the Radar bit on the car, they were putting through a new law last year to include that.


New Member
I got the Snooper S4 Neo GPS unit for £144 delivered. SOme places are still charging £300 for them.



New Member
It is good it pics up all the risk zones (Where speed cops sit) Specs and Gatsos. They can pic up things far away about 600 yards but they can be a bit slow somtimes.


Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
iv got a new road angel (the one with the annoying led) its not a bad bit of kit but after nearly twelve months it had to go back for a new power socket. i cant fault their customer service btw its top notch :wink:

performance wise it does the job pretty well but i do find it a little laggy.



New Member
yeah i think il go for a Road Angel as i think they have a 1 kilometer range! with 600 yard range id be past the camera by time the snooper beeped! :p

thanks for input guys :)