

New Member
The car seems to kick out a bit off blue smoke when u lay off the throttle and when going down the gears, this is most probably the rings which is a bit of bad news as the engine is only sposed to be about 40000 miles old so would have thought it would of held on a bit longer? also could it be anything else that is causing the smoke? at the moment it looks like a change of rings as cant afford a decent rebuild. any tips would be helpfull.

yet to do compression test.



New Member
guess a compression test would rule out the rings if it turns out good then? and anyway of proving its the turbo?



more than likely the turbo, if it smokes when going down the gears and when off boost, as the pressure is off the turbo oil seal then and it will leak into exhaust system!
only sure fire way to check it, is to remove exhaust housing and- or inlet pipe and check for any excessive play in shaft!


New Member
suppose thats better news then the rings then, what would it involve in changed seals or is it best to send it off to be done? also if theres play in the shaft is this because it is linked to the seals or is that just linked to bearings? i heard if u let it tick over for a while when hot and then rev i it should smoke?

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