Rich's White (K7 GTR) Shell, Bonnet & Private Plate


New Member
Well I put my name down for these parts and was meant to be collecting them in 9-10 days from now but with the recent unforseen circumstances I am unable to proceed with my R project.

Therefore, I just want to let you all know that if any of you guys put your name down as a backup plan for the shell or anything.. or any of you were interested but gutted I got there first (hehe :p)... well then now's your chance!

Trust me.. for the money he's asking I think I don't even need to make a thread about it.. I couldn't believe how cheap it was myself (to think it would cost me £2,500+ to achieve what he did with the shell).

But he's a top bloke and I feel well bad messing him around and if he don't sell the shell it will probs mess up his breaking R plans for everyone else.. (SORRY!)