reversed the polarity


hi folks ive done something stupid hope you can throw some light on the subject

one sunday morning in a semi drunk hungover state i decided to do some work on the car :? now ive been working away from home for the past few months so when i went to it the battery was totallly dead
so i whipped out the jump leads and connected them up to my battery on the car and then onto a spare fully charged battery :?
i promptly noticed smoke coming from under the dash so i ran back and disconnected the battery which is when i noticed some dumbass :evil:
(myself) had not even bothered to check the polarity on the charged battery
any ideas what damage ive done

Fast Guy

Staff member
You've probably melted part of the wiring loom. Whether it's bad enough to need replacing or wether you were lucky and got away with it, I think you'll only find out by taking the dash out or trying to see as much as you can without.


damn nuisance it was just about finished too :twisted:
oh well i'll have to just get it sorted when im back home :cry: