I've just removed Duey's

Firstly the aircon needs to be de-gassed :shock: How you do this is up to you,but dont forget it is illegal to release the gas into the atmosphere :!: Easiest way is to remove your rad,undo the adjuster on the alternater and remove the belt off the compressor pulley,on the front of the compressor are 4 bolts,remove these and tilt the compressor towards the front of the car,this allows you to get to the bolt that holds the large pipe onto the compressor

and also unclip the activater wire.Then remove the lambda sensor from the dump pipe on the turbo,this allows you to remove the compressor easily

Then get a crane to lift the compressor :lol: :lol: :lol: only joking :lol: Right now the tricky bit,as i havent done all of this bit yet

Remove all the bolts on the front of the bracket that held the compressor,then there are 2 others on the side of the main bracket,remove these also.Remove the lower heat sheild off the dump pipe to allow access to the last and most difficult bolt(this is the bit i aint done yet

)Now i think that if you have a long reach ring spanner you can remove this bolt from underneath the car without removing the dump pipe

Hope this helps,and best of luck