removing front Y bracket

Gaz gtiR

New Member
hey guys im wanting to remove my front Y bracket that TMIC sits on. but the boost selonoid is conected to it. so just wondered where people relocate the boost selonoid? :?


Staff member
If you've got an AVCR you definitely don't need the standard boost solenoid.

If you're talking about the AVCR solenoid, then just move it any where you like; that's what the mounting holes are for. You can probably even take the braket off and use the same bolt to put the solenoid back on without the bracket behind it.
I've seen them where the battery is/was; on the slam pannel; anywhere you like (within reason).

Gaz gtiR

New Member
no its not the avcr selonoid its the standard 1 that conects to y bracket. it has a vac pipe going to the induction pipe. i guess i just block that off! & what do i do with the selonoid plug? just leave it disconected?

i just wasnt sure weather my avcr would have been set up threw the standard selonoid wireing atall. its running 1bar so i dont want to mess anything up if you undrstand my point! lol


Staff member
That's just a bleed line, which isn't doing anything if you're not using the solenoid. Yes, block it off.

I'm not sure if there's something you're supposed to do when removing the solenoid; I've never had one, so I've just got the plug hanging there and a dawes device controlling the boost.

I woulnt' have thought the AVCR would touch any of the standard waring, but you can trace it back if you're not sure.

Gaz gtiR

New Member
rite ive removed std boost selonoid & front Y bracket now! as ive no use for it coz of my AVCR but dous any1 no what the plug is for that connects to the std boost selonoid?? im just wondering if its somthing to do with the det sensor? & is there something i need to do with it or do i just leave it hanging??
dous any1 no what the plug is for that connects to the std boost selonoid?? im just wondering if its somthing to do with the det sensor? & is there something i need to do with it or do i just leave it hanging??
....It's for the standard boost solenoid. It alows the ECU to to control boost from 0.5bar to 0.7 bar. If, like me, your using the AVCR then you don't need to worry and can leave the connector hanging. Maybe try and seal it somehow so it doesn't corrode though. Just don't start ragging it when the engine isn't warmed up enough; as the standard solenoid limits boost to 0.5bar untill the engine has warmed up.


Just don't start ragging it when the engine isn't warmed up enough; as the standard solenoid limits boost to 0.5bar untill the engine has warmed up.
sorry fella but not correct!
the turbo actuator sets boost to 0.5bar....the solenoid over rides this and allows you to boost to .7bar

with the stock boost controller disconnected and no other kind of controller fitted you will only run 0.5 boost hot or cold


Staff member
I think what he meant is that until the engine is warm the stock solenoid will not open (so it will only boost to 0.5bar and let you have the rest when it's ready). Removing the solenoid removes that "protection".


thats news to me then

removing the stock solenoid will only allow .5 boost at all times hot or cold unless another boost control device is fitted!

every pulsar ive ever driven with standard boost solenoid fitted will achieve .7 bar hot or cold


Staff member
thats news to me then

removing the stock solenoid will only allow .5 boost at all times hot or cold unless another boost control device is fitted!

every pulsar ive ever driven with standard boost solenoid fitted will achieve .7 bar hot or cold
I believe you Bob - I've never had the standard solenoid on mine, but thought it was plausible that it wouldn't open until the ECU thought the engine was at temperature... I obviously didn't understand the point you were making the first time.