Removing bushes

Has any one got any tips or how-to guides on how to remove the front lower control arm front and rear bushes. Really struggling and would appreciate any advise.


vss irvine

Well-Known Member
You just knock the rear one off. Put the wishbone in a vice and knock the bushe down the way.

Front one is easier to burn out. Put some petrol on the rubber and set it alight. Let it burn till it spits the steel insert out. Once cool use a hacksaw to saw along the inside of the bushe outer case. Then a chisel to fold it in and remove it.
I manage to get them out in the end. Got the machine shop at my work to fab up two tools for me. one is a 80mm long case with a 70mm blind bore in it and 14mm through bore. The other is just a 10mm thick 36mm diameter washer. Used an m12 threaded bar with two nuts. Heated the bush with a heatgun for 10 mins set at 400degrees. Then just used the tools to pull the bush out. Because of heating the lowercontrol bush when i pulled the bush out it also pulled out the sleeve in one go....result.

Now time to make some progress on the front hubs and get them dis-assembled before i send all the parts off for powder coating.