Recommend a 'tuner' in the North West UK


Active Member
Hi All,

I may be opening a can of worms here :cry:

The people who mapped my car last were Thor Racing, and it was spot on. The car has recently lost its settings whilst in storage, so I need an 'expert' to take a look and remap it for me.

Its fitted with a profec B vII and SAFCII so anyone who's used to fiddling with those would probably be good.

I'll take a drive to Thor if needs be, but was wondering what tuners even exist up here any more besides car planet, and if they're worth going to?




New Member
Id go back to Thor personally, they obviously know what is required to get the performance out of the car.

Other than mapping i find the tuner named DIY usually works best :lol:

You should get yourself one of those low voltage trickle chargers that only charge as and when the voltage drops to a certain point, that way you will never lose full charge in the battery and end up in the situation you are now. Ill see if i can find out which one my dad uses, works well i believe.



Active Member
Once its remapped, it won't be a problem if I lose the settings as I'll write them down when its done - its easy enough to program in, just getting them right in the first instance is the tricky bit!

I'm pretty happy with my DIY 1 bar, but I want to push to 1.2 (and further if the car will allow it) so need a pro to take a look really!

What about DP motorsport?


if its any consolation (ive never been there) but my new car 'before i bought it' was mapped by tdi north and the thing is ballistic.
ive checked the map on the pfc through datalogit and nothing is as it should be lol, but this tells me that the guy isnt going by the book and knows what hes doing, even by cheating the system.
knock levels and the afr's are perfect and more importantly its very drivable with minimal lag which is something i had been after all along.

so may be worth paying them a visit as i believe there up cheshire way somewhere


New Member
WGT are well known for their mapping as well, he maps conservativley if anything but still finds good power. He remapped my old single turbo RX7 and it was absolutley spot on! They are a rotary specialist but i've always seen normal engined cars being tuned whenever i've been there.


New Member
what about the racing line halifax?

on another note can an ecu loose its map if the battery dies? and the safc11? i know the greddy controller isnt suppose too but obviously sh1t does happen!


Active Member
As you said, its defo not supposed to, but I've read about loads that have - mine was dead for months so I half expected it with my bad luck :lol:

I'll give TDI a call and see what they say.

Cheers all



Staff member
If you don't fancy DIY as Ant suggested then TDI are the next best thing. I used their rolling road to finish off my map and gave them all my PFC maps for the benefit of other members. I think they used to have an Ozzy guy who mapped WRC cars who came over for temporary work in UK. When I finished my car, Paul operated the RR and he knows his stuff as well. They are nice blokes who enjoy their job first and are businessmen second. They have done a few of our NW GTIROC rolling roads.

Mention you were recommended by the GTIROC, take some cash with you and on the day and you might get a discount.


Active Member
I'll do that thanks Jim - I don't mind having a go, but not at the expense of my engine! ;)

I'm generally happy still with the 1 bar map, although its still spiking a bit much - so I've set the unit back to base settings on the lo boost, and 1 bar on the high. That will have to do for now. I'm waiting for TDI to get back to me with a date/time/cost for me going down.



Active Member
I;ve emailed TRL as well, will give them a call tomorrow, as I can't get any information from TDI - I've phoned about 3 times and emailed az well, but they're obviously very busy.

Cheers all.