Rear wheel arches

Hello everyone,
I've got a new pulsar which is sound mechanically and very quick, it's just in need of some tlc on the body!
Does anyone know the best place to buy some new arches and how much they are??
thanks Chris


New Member
There must be a part number for a gen real arch, when my rear got hit they got it from japan and it covered the hole of the rear left side from roof down. The hole job cost £800


Staff member
I was told by my mechanic that the outer arch is the least of the problems; that's easy to fabricate. It's rebuilding the inner arches that costs the time and money.
There cheap, thanks martyn, cheers everyone! I didn't know the ones for a five door would fit, thats always good to know! :)

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
There must be a part number for a gen real arch, when my rear got hit they got it from japan and it covered the hole of the rear left side from roof down. The hole job cost £800
yeah you can buy a full rear quarter from nissan, but its over £300 a side, japan supplied, and alot of work when you only need a small part of it.

the other option is to use a front wing, and cut out the section you need.(gives you the general shape of the arch.)

for the offside rear arch, you'll need to use the nearside front wing.