Re trimming of steering wheel


HI, Was just wandering if anyone knows were i could perhaps get my original steering wheel re-trimmed, i'm using a phase 2 wheel at the moment as all of the phase 1 which i have seen for sale are showing signs of wear, which is understandable due to there age. cheers neil

The Doc

Staff member
You will need to find a company that re trims car interiors, like trimainia etc...don't be surprised if it is not cheap to do!

The Doc

Staff member
They have done many high end cars, the only other people I do know are very busy...but I have never heard a bad thing about trimainia, I used to have a few beers with a lad that works there too.


New Member
maybe newton commercial are ready to made it retrimmed...but it's not cheap, a steering wheel is really long to re-trim if the job is well done...