


Ok had a bit of a rag tonight well hit rev limiter in 5th :oops: but was driving ok for about another 13 mile as i was letting her cool down, then pulling of motorway i started to coast and heard a slight rattle and thought the CV's i had fitted earlier had went pear shaped but on going round roundabout noticed noise was engine rpm related but no smoke or loss of power!

So b4 i punch myself any more i dove home some 9 miles and rattle became slightly louder but was quieter on power or decel and on coasting/feathering in gear it became more noticable only at one right hander near home it squealed a bit louder for 2-3 secs and went back to as it was before.

In short whats it most likely cooked shells? Rocker probs? or the dreaded Chocky Pistons?



sounds like the bottom end buddy it will just get louder and louder if it is:?

but hopefully its some thing on the drive belt end which would explain it matcing the rpm maybe a loose pulley if thats possible:)


New Member
Hey Jp,

I had a rattle that was almost related to revs but not quite... wasn't too sure what it was for a while...

silly me kept on driving adn it did last a few weeks later... before dying.

Not certain what the rattle was but I cracked the side of a piston and it had found its way to the sump by death time...

Moral of story... Rattles are bad... vary bad... Unless its just a shim noise but yours sounds worse...

Book her in I'd advise on the safe side...

And quick! Rolling road day is looming!

PS - did well to top her out! :) I have gone off my UK clocks to an indicated 155-160... still didn't manage to hit the limitter though!

Nice.. At the end of the day its the reason we own these cars so don't be too hard on yourself..


Cheers guys im gona have a closer inspection and listen later fingers crossed :doh:


Not good for my 1000 postin :cry:

Belts are 100% as is securing bolts

Engine rattle was loud on starting from cold and then quiet once oil pressure rose,then no noise until 2k and then off again when off rev's (apears to be coming from #3 direction :sad: )

Checked tubby and is spinning free and no movement from intake side

Also when rattle comes in oil pressure drops to about 1 on the standard guage

Rocker cover off, and everything is tight and ok in there will try a compression test later.

Anyother tips?