Rattle sorted..thanks to zia



Result - bought the R just before xmas,it was up for £5500 but had a rattling engine, so negotiated to £4600 and took the car :D

Had the R looked at by a well respected local tuner,who serviced evo's, fto's etc and he said it was the air con pump/compressor on its way out.

Took it to an air con place and was told the compressor had gone, the belt was fraying and not to drive the car and the job would cost 4-£500 plus labour :(

Posted the problem on this forum and with every other question i had numerous helpful replies from many -thanks guys 8)

Anyway, just had :D 'ZIA' :D round and hes changed my belt, by passing compressor and the R is running mint, no rattles and you can barely hear the car apart from the goose burping at the back.

My advice to any R owner - stick to the forum for advice and repairs :D

Many thanks to ZIA - carried out the job in hurricane like conditions, didnt want a fee, but i slipped him some notes. Id recommend his work to many. 8)

(nice car by the way ZIA)

Fast Guy

Staff member
stomski said:
Anyway, just had :D 'ZIA' :D round and hes changed my belt, by passing compressor and the R is running mint, no rattles and you can barely hear the car apart from the goose burping at the back.
(nice car by the way ZIA)
If you're not planning on replacing the compressor, you might as well take as much of the aircon out as you can including the compressor mounting plate. It's a hefty old thing :wink: