Rad weld



Do i have a have a coolant leek. I cant see it. its not dripin. Car sits all week on the drive no wet patches. Coolant temp is fine. But i can smell it, when the engine is hot. Or im i missin something. I only smell it after the engine is very hot. Oil temp is fine. Can you use Rad weld, Will it Fu(k the Water pump?
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DO NOT use radweld it will block up all your waterways and youll have bigger problems on your hands!
trace the leak if there is one, and fix it properly


Active Member
I'd personally find the problem and fix it.

The rad weld will just mask the issue and you could end up with a blown headgasket etc... because of it.

Check your water pump and the hoses round the back of the engine, by the oil cooler etc...


New Member
I used it and about a week later my water pump packed up then my rad went bang so imo i wouldnt use it.


Ok, I think the leak could be around the oil cooler area, as ive just had my knock sensor changed. It only smells after the engine is very hot, Could be dripin on the front pipe, as there is no drips?

Fast Guy

Staff member
Check the down pipe for white staining.
If there is, it's more than likely one of the 2 rubber hoses on the oil cooler.


New Member
Id be pretty much certain in saying its the water pump.

If you get under the car (safely of course) and look up at the water pump you will see there is a small hole in the housing of the pump, whilst running you will more than likely see this dripping, it may only be one small drip every so often so you will have to be vigilant.

The same thing was happening to me, couldn't figure out were the water was going as couldn't see the staining as stated by FastGuy as the bottom hole doesn't really drip onto much.

Dont use Radweld as already stated, very dangerous in an engine so sensitive. Sort the prob out and in the meantime make sure your levels are ok everytime you get into the car, ideally dont drive it and take the chance.

Get an OE part, they are relatively cheap and great quality.

Good luck,



What Jack said. Check you're actually losing some to start with.


The coolant goes up and down in the tank so its hard to tell if im losing much, Its the smell of the car after its been boosted.


Active Member
check your coolant when it's cold, that's the best time to check it.

there's quite a few pipes at the back of the engine that run water in them, it could be any of them or as ant said maybe the water pump.

If you can beg/borrow a pressure tester and pressurise the system you might see where the drip is coming from....if the engine is hot you might not see it as it could evaporate before you see the drop!


warringtonjack said:
Alternatively, you could try not breathing in through your nose. Problem solved! :thumbsup:
:shock: :thumbsup: Ive been checking the levels. When cold. Its not going down. But i still have this smell of hot coolant. Ive drivin about 50 miles in the fast few days.


Active Member
Beachsleeper said:
:shock: :thumbsup: Ive been checking the levels. When cold. Its not going down. But i still have this smell of hot coolant. Ive drivin about 50 miles in the fast few days.
When my water pump went, I didn't notice the expansion tank level dropping. I only found out it was the water pump when I noticed dirty water marks on the water pump housing.


New Member
close to the knock sensor there are some water lines and also two water temperature sensors.
If a garage done the knock sensor for you, he might by mistake remove one of the water sensors instead the knock sensor and when he realised, he did not tighten the water sensor in place properly. Or while fiddling around behind the engine trying to get that bugger knock sensor out, he pinched a water hose.


Its going on the ramps next week, so we can have a proper look. took the car out to night, levals are still fine, but it does stink, when hot. Ive tried to look at the water pump from the top. I can see a small hole in the casing from the top.... It has white marks in it, Well i think it was the water pump.


where can you smell it from ... have you checked to see if you have wet or damp carpets? you may have a small leak in your heater matrix?! just a sugestion.how easy is the water pump to change ... i have a leak coming from mine (found out after i just put the enegin back in from doing the rear pipes! bummer.