raced an sti.

Matty B

New Member
:? hi everyone, haven't been on for a while but got a problem. My best friend has got a wrx sti version 2 running 306 bhp. We have just been for a drive down a private stretch of road. He was behind me, we started in second gear and accelerated up to about ***mph. The problem is i've just spent 1300 pounds on my motor and i couldn't pull away from him. He couldn't get past but he still made me very aware of the fact that he's spent only 400 quid on his and its as fast as mine. Whats going on, i really thought i would beat him. Suppose its bigger turbo time. I you want to have a look at my spec and post some thoughts that would be great.The spec is in the 'members r ' section.
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New Member
are u running strd boost mate it will keep up with u then but if your running 1bar u should be pulling away as soon as u hit 3rd gear mate


Well-Known Member
You want to stay away from those Sti's......................................you'll get a spotty knob otherwise ;-)


New Member
with that spec u def should be pulling away from him ther must be a problem with your car plus has it been set up now


New Member
What did you spend £1300 on? Was it spent on getting things so the car runs right i.e. service, plugs etc or £1300 on uprated goodies?

I think versions 2 ran about 260hp from factory.

Matty B

New Member
He's had his on the rollers. Most of the money went on goodies but yea did get it serviced. The thing is the ecu was set up just before i bought it and the guy had exactly the same mods as mine. I know every car is slightly different but can't believe that having it set up will make that much differene, or am i just being a prat.


New Member
i not being funny mate iv had a scooby vltd sti that was running over 300bhp & i was driving my gtir on low boost 0.8bar & sti was 1.1bar in the first 2 gears it was close but the further up the gears i went the gtir was pulling away,ther must be a problem with your car somwher


without sounding like an old stick-in-the-mud, is it not a bad idea announcing to people the speeds you openly admit to on a public road?

I don't like the idea of people driving that quick on a public road, at any time of the night. Could this not of been determined at a track day/ RWYB?

At any rate, it is down to you what you do with your car in regards to driving style and speed. I can only hope you never have an accident.

davey red.r

New Member
at the end of the day ,a 300+sti is enough for any car to deal with, :oops: hate saying it as i loath them ,but you just got to look at the titles this thing has won over the years,get quaiffe forged jobbies 3071 mapped with big injectors to 1.5bar, see what happens then is it worth 7k plus t beast him ,coz round the next corner maybe sti(gonnoreah)that has the same spec ,and im afraid the all round package of this skip will make you:oops: but the r is a fantastic package, when set up right,good look next time bud,ps try a banana in his tailpipe youl win hands down:lol: :lol:


Ive taken STi impreza's on 0.9bar, the type-R and Type-RA are lightweight and very quick though.
Impressive cars..


Firstly racing on the public highway is neither big or clever

sounds like you have some serious issues if you cant pull away from an STI with that spec!! Like mentioned, get the car setup properllyand secondly i would check to see that your mate is running the boost he claims to be........failing all that, challange him to a top speed run (on private land of course) and listen and watch as the cylinder number 3 on the impreza starves of oil and eventually goes bang ;)
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