R started smoking


New Member
I was out the other day for a run in the pulsar,an m3 came up behind me went for the over take so I done the good thing and showed him what a real car goes like.......
anyway after that every time I change gear I get a puff off whitey blue smoke from the exhaust,went home,done a compression test every cylinder had 140ish psi,popped the top intercooler hose off and it has quite a bit off oil in it (front mount).then later on I noticed there was a fair sized part of my hks filter missing :shock:
what are your thoughts guys ????????


been saying this for yonks regarding those hks filters.
tere ok providing you change the element regularly......leave them in there and they rot and big lumps get pulled off when your o boost
its more than lkely boogered your turbo as its gone through the impellor


Staff member
been saying this for yonks regarding those hks filters.
tere ok providing you change the element regularly......leave them in there and they rot and big lumps get pulled off when your o boost
Agreed Bob. - That's why they sell the replacement elements in the first place; you're supposed to change them, but people rarely do.

I do understand when people don't realise that it's supposed to be replaced. - Other foam filters are reusable if you clean them.