R Specialists nearest the Essex Area?


Jonny H

Hiya everyone, long time no speak!

Right, cutting a story short. Me and the missus are putting money into both our cars (shes got a Starlet GT) and we're planning on giving them a complete overhaul.....exterior, interior etc.... now im planning on going a little further and rip into the engine, gearbox and so on.....replace everything that needs replacing with uprated parts, then up the boost to 1.4 + Now does anyone know a reputable specialist for our beloved R's where i can get this sort of work done without worry or hassle? I know everyone will probably have different views on different places but i just wanted to see if anyone would recommend somewhere that is renound for its fantastic unquestionable work.

Cheers for the help.



New Member
abbey motorsport are quite good but very expensive and take a while too:wink: but then so do all tuners:?

Jonny H

Ok, I shall give them a tinker and see what they say! Anyone elses views and opinions are welcome!


New Member
GBH in colchester a couple of owners of here use and i had herd good things from some of the owners, i think my car should fined its way there soon, i better ring up and book it in.