R broke & stuck in Switzerland


ok, so I got in from abroad on the 23rd, and the R started first time after sitting for three months.

Drove 800 miles to Switzerland no worries. Then, while out on a blast, I started getting a slight rattling.

After a couple more miles the rattling turned to proper knocking.

The car still pulled just fine, but the knocking got worse and worse until I had to pull over. It knocks in time with revs (i.e. its not wheel related)

So, the R is now stuck down here. Trying to get a garage to look at it, but holding no hope that its something simple. I reckon its a bottom end bearing.

Any ideas, and how do I get the bloody thing home!

Cheers, toby


Didn't you cover yourself via the AA before you went ?, If not you're a numpty lol lol.



join the aa, green flag who ever on a top spec service plan then call them back up, most say you can't claim in the first 24hour's but if you can wait that long it's prob the cheapest and simplest way off getting it back...


Nah, haven't got european AA cover (I know, I know). Tried to upgrade my normal cover but got rumbled that the car had already broken down.

Anyway, I have little choice but to get someone here to take a look at it.

But, given the language barrier, I need a few likely pointers as to what it might be.

The car pulls fine, so I'm guessing its not top end, valves etc.

The knocking is loud and obvious, but the engine starts happily enough and revs ok.

The engine does stall sometimes as if something is mechanically stopping it from turning.


New Member
its almost definatley bottom end, quickly check for anything that might be loose but that tends to stay as a rattle..

if its a sort of 'dugdugdugdug' deep sounding noise in time with the revs when throttle pressed you are im afraid to say almost definately fooked


will cost you a mint to get car back to uk without breakdown cover! push it off edge of mountain and have a little insurance claimy on it, or burn the fcuker!


pulsarboby said:
will cost you a mint to get car back to uk without breakdown cover! push it off edge of mountain and have a little insurance claimy on it, or burn the fcuker!
Yeah thats if he remembered to take out European insurance cover haha:doh: :roll:


On start up from cold its like normal. As soon as oil is up to temp (and thinner) the knocking starts. Sounds just like a diesel. Garage in France is going to have a look.

If it is bottom end shells, I'll be after some advice on whats needed (part numbers (any upgrades worth going for??) etc. I could also do with any French members giving me a shout to translate a few choice words!


New Member
mattygti-r said:
sounds like a nasty situation to be matey
i'd imagine being stuck on a desert island with you, a large tub of vaseline, some viagra and the newera imports current stock catalogue would be worse :shock: :lol: :lol:


desert island sounds good, the rest does sound scary.

yeah, it sucks having the R stuck down here. I've seriously thought of ebaying the R saying '5k, collect in France'. But, I can't sell the thing, its still a brilliant car.

After 100k miles, countless romps accross europe, driving the nuts off it, I can forgive it for only just breaking down now. Anyone who said these things aren't reliable...

I just hope the French mechanic I've given the car to knows his stuff. In my book changing bottom end shells is fairly standard stuff, so long as the crank and the big end itself are all fine and dandy.

Do you guys just use standard Nissan shells yeah?

Does the mechanic need to measure the crank and try for oversize shells (Nissan do these too right?)
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if the big ends have gone then theres a very high chance that the shafts copped it aswell, so it will need a stripdown and crank regrind with undersize shells.