quick help


New Member
right ive searched thru the topics and used some of them allready just really looking for a few quick ideas on a fix here

right car seems to be holding back just before or at around 5000rpm , now it did have a fault code of 34 and just had DET sensor replaced and code cleared and been driving with it for a week and checked the fault codes again and its still all clear 55.

when the DET sensor was replaced it had a new walbro fuel pump and new OEM fuel filter then i put a set of these NGK bcr8es in and it seem to cause a little miss on idle (you could here it) so i put hte old plugs back in.

so back to the holding back i guess im looking for a boost leak now?

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
you still got the old pump? put it back in and try that.?

ive fitted 2 brand new walbro pumps that have turned out to have problems