Question - Whats Best Zorst For GTI-R ??



Hey Guys..
Just a question about what the best spec zorst is for a GTI-R ... I currently have a home made decat and Scorpion CAT back stainless system - However I dont like the way the center section enters the back box.. Hard to explain unless you have saw a Scorpion box but it enters the box the same way it cums out so the gases are cumin back on themselves - Would this be causin a restriction ??
I would assume a more straight direct flow out of the back box would be nessesary - What would be the best full exuast system on the market ?? HKS etc ???

Thanx alot for your time ...

Fast Guy

Staff member
The Mongoose is loud and straight through also it saves you 13kg over a standard exhaust due to lack of back box. It just has a tailpipe..

Your Scorpion sounds similar to the standard set up.

There's plenty of exhausts out there, so someone else will be along shortly to comment on another one.:wink:


New Member
Fast Guy said:
someone else will be along shortly to comment on another one.:wink:
Yes, me :wink:

Blueflame, who make the Mongoose, do a straight through system almost identical to the Mongoose, they also do a twin exit system :???:

Fast Guy

Staff member
Don't get the twin exit unless you like max power. It looks horrible (IMO) and will weigh a ton compared to the standard Goose 1kg tailpipe.

gtir bean

New Member
where in scotland are you?my mate has some sort of jap exhaust on his and he wants a scorpion the same as me.his is still pretty quiet compared to a mongoose but louder than the sure he would do a deal with you?


New Member
After following everyone's advice on an old thread before, Mongoose is the way! Got a cat-back system and it's seriously good. It is a tad loud (the neighbours try to complain but I can't seem to hear them! :twisted: ) but it's a small price to pay! :wink:


Thanx alot for the replies -
Yeah I think I will go for the mongoose system - Ohh and to answer the question where im at im in Arbroath m8.
Im not actaully sure my back box is worth having m8 as I reverse parked outside the local nightclub and never realised the kerb was so big - lol big dent and scratches in box !! mmm nice !.

Cool so thats my mind made up - Mongoose it is. So that will be cat back - I allready have a de-cat pipe but my downpipe is gettin abit rusty and tired looking. Can anyone recommend a good fat downpipe to unleash a few ponys ?? i have been on a few sites and there is a HKS Frontpipe for around the £100+ mark - Is frontpipe just another name for downpipe ??
Need a big fat loud one !!!

Thanx alot guys


Nice one - Is this a good system for power with the downpipe etc or would be better replacin it with a HKS etc ??
Does the mongoos system include a de-cat ???
What sort of diameter is the system ???

Fast Guy

Staff member
The Mongoose turbo back includes the downpipe, cat replacement, centre section and tailpipe.

Get the whole system and forget the HKS downpipe. (it's mild steel, allegedly and will rust alot quicker)


New Member
i've got the complete mongoose set up and it just aint neighbour freindly, i need something a bit quieter


Im not sure how much to expect for my exaust - make me an offer and we can negotiate, lol..
Only problem is im actaully away Offshore 2moz m8 for 3 weeks.
Dropping off or pickin up when I get back on 12th April would not be a problem tho.. The exuast its self is in very good condition apart from the back box - it has a dent and a few scratches.. Nothing major tho.
What u think ??


New Member
just a thought no one seems to have mentioned rhe 5zigen .................thats a staright trough too 3" bore 5" slash tail and doesent sound as rough as the goose!!!!!!
Looks the business too

anyway ill go now...............