Quaife/PPG gearboxes

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
One thing I've noticed recently is the total lack of 2nd hand gearboxes for sale with Quaife or PPG gear kits inside.

Since I've been putting the finishing touches to my upgrades, the gears themselves have been in the back of my mind with regards to how long they will last for on track (bearing in mind that I'm more sympathetic on my gear changes now). I am wondering how long, even though they've been cryo-treated, will they last?

I'm not going to be drag racing it, however it will spend 70% of its life on the track so will get a hammering with regards to wear and tear?
Its not going to be mega power <400hp, but would it be worth investing into an aftermarket gear kit and would it better going to a straight cut system?

I realise that I might as well run with what I've got for now until it gives up, however I like to think ahead and have some options available when the time comes


fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Cheers for that I'll keep that in mind for when it does explode the next time (hopefully not for a while).

I take it Quaife will sell me brand new individual gears if I ask them?


red reading

Active Member
Yes they will, you just have to tell a porky that you have a quaife box that is severely worn and you want to buy them before you strip the box.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Cheers for that I'll keep that in mind for when it does explode the next time (hopefully not for a while).

Well that didn't last long... :hide:

After I stripped 3rd gear at Oulton Park, last week on a conservative map (@ 1.0bar would you believe) I'm going to rebuild it for the 5th time! (8th time removed)

This is more of a learning post so that I understand what I need and some schooling:

Is it quite literary swapping the gears over to 3rd and 4th Quaife (heli) cog's, are they perfectly compatible with the rest of the gears/syncro's and spline?

How important is having a Quaife 5th gear?

Could I used a steel selector from Quaife than a PAR?

Anything else that would help me understand or pointers?


Jon Olds

Well-Known Member
Quaife are a good outfit to deal with, selling you exactly what you request. I have just rebuild my VW 6 speed Q box, and they were helpful/professional. Their kit is good and lasts also. My gears were datestamped 1997, and looks as new, nearly. Respect due, IMHO