Q plate R


Well-Known Member
Q stands for Question. Means either the car was a kit car built from a variety of different parts or car was not originally registered in uk and proof of age was noy available.

You don't see q plates very often now but dodgy dealers used to turn ringers and cut and shuts into q plates to hide their history.

Not always easy to insure either.

red reading

Active Member
Q also means, confiscated by police and sold at auction as un identified , section 59 confiscation, stolen recovered , crashed and written off financially then bought back and re registered, oooo the list goes on. A lot of insurance companies won't touch q reg either.

johnny gtir

Well-Known Member
Oil feed upgrade? What's that?
i questioned this to which the reply was its a common upgrade feed to the turbo google it you will find the kit for sale. I have searched quickly never seen no kit but i have seen a couple of engines where the original oil feed to turbo is blocked or welded up and a braided hose comes from the rear of the block same area as oil cooler and standard oil pressure gauge is and feeds the turbo. I could be wrong but as more roller bearing turbo's are sold which require less from the feed the conversion will be less common ?

Born Again

New Member
When I owned a Q plated car it was treated by the insurer as if it had a conventional plate.....but it was a diesel and not a performance car so this may have been a factor. "Q's" are a rare sight nowadays as they haven't issued any for years because AFAIK a destruction order is given out instead.


New Member
See me and my old man built a trike out of a vow beetle and a motor bI've, and it was registered on a q plate the reason was the fact that it didn't have enough of the beetle left on it to use its original number and because there was no number with the bike frame it went on a q plate, I'd be a bit hesitant to buy it

geoff pine

Well-Known Member
I used to see this car at Liverpool airport (there can not be more than one this colour) four or five years ago on a regular bases.It was not on a q plate then it had large flag of Wales draped over the back seat and parcel shelf another one of those owner that don't do forums :lol: