pulsar on ebay.

That one sounds like a good buy, but definately check out that 'water leak' before bidding, could be something more than just needing a new rad (headgasket!).


Yer thats what I was thinking. but ive bid £2250 now already lol. last time i had a mystery water leak it turned out to be from the oil cooler pipe. so im hoping its just somthing simple like that? if not then im sure I will soon be outbidded. altho it does state it has an uprated head gasket so surely it would go that easily.?

Fusion Ed

Active Member
I worked on a car in Brighton where the head gasket had just been changed before the owner had purchased it. He was sure it was not a problem again (loosing water from the beginning, getting hotter than usual), but I said to him it certainly seemed like it, and indeed he eventually changed it, had the job done properly and it was fine.

davey red.r

New Member
walk away,370bhp,chances are the box will be near its death.
just noticed it has been rebuilt der,at what spec standard?seems a bit of a waste of money to rebuild it to standard spec then run it 370

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ok then. well if I get outbidded then I wont bid again. I did notice it said the box was still under warranty? But other wise if I win it then I will just have to hope and prey that it aint a complete shed.


New Member
well anyone can speculate what horsepower there running so without a print out i wouldnt beleive any of it! as for the water leak, i bet its the common pipe at the back of the engine and its a right old job. Id take the engine out, no real hassle if you have done it before and id like to take the engine out anyway to see if every thing is there etc? As for a bargain, yeah i rekon but id ask to see some more pics first, of the brakes etc. he took it as park ex for his car so obviously he doesnt know a great deal about these cars lol


I mean for what its had done to it alone surely must be worth £2250 if I did win the bid. For the mods its running surely it cant be running as much as 370hp unless hes got the boost running realy high? Il email him a bit later asking for more pictures etc. ive been offered a standard 1992 black pulsar for £1300 but he thinks the turbo has blown so it doesnt run properly. Dont realy know what would be the best risk to take?

Fire & skill

Vintage member
that car has been on before, im sure the O/S/F wheel was a bit back as if it was accident damaged.

there was a thread on here a month or so back


Fire & skill said:
that car has been on before, im sure the O/S/F wheel was a bit back as if it was accident damaged.

there was a thread on here a month or so back

No, I think that was that dodgy Blue RB in Brum! It had gold wheels if I remember correctly?

That one came up on ebay 2 or 3 times within days of it selling the first time! Well sus!


New Member
the car was near goulchester-brisol as i was going to buy it about 14months ago but didnt hav time to veiw it


New Member
i would take a chance on the R on ebay due to the engine having uprated internals etc but i would ask to see any reciepts etc just to be sure. I would also STRONGLY advise you go see the car before bidding, and take cash with you and wave it in his face if its any good? but view with a very open mind and prepare your self to walk away ;D good luck matey


Thanks for the advice lads I think i will have to arrange a meet with the bloke so I can look the car over. First thing im going to look for is that wheel to see if its pushed back. Could the car be running 370hp with those mods alone? thanks people.


New Member
it mentions nothing of a turbo or turbo rebulid. To hit 370 it would have to be running really high boost! I doubt his projected figures are anywhere near true. But if it does have bits it says it would be worth it.