pulsar not pulling as it should


Right i have my gtir and it has started to pull back on me, when i put my foot down it is not going as it should starts to back fire and pop abit out the exhaust, checked the spark plugs and i have put decent fuel in,

Could it be the dizzy cap and roatary arm?

I did a 1000miles trip to stockholm with it with no problems but i could do with this sorting,

only started doing it after i washed the car really so i think i have got some water some where,

i have checked plugs and the cap and rotary..

ideas guys

cheers steve


New Member
is it actually missfireing or just holding back like its towing a caravan?!
your leads may of got water on them and knackered them.


yeh i will try that also, just after i washed car, and also could be a det sensor?

it did misfire when started and then cleared..