Pulled my gearbox apart and found????


New Member

My mate who is rebuilding my gearbox pulled it apart and found that my had a 4 paddle A.P clutch but the confusing bit is the previous owner used a standard Pressure plate thus I hade a look at the springs on the clutch and 1 of them is bust open. What can cause this to break like this. Plus will the car put down less torque due to the pressure plate not able to handle the clutch. The clutch was in a bad state it had chunks missing out of the paddles but it was not slipping it has scortched my flywheel in the process can this also be the reason of not getting full torque down. I have a spare flywheel which will get used now. So any reason why this could happen.




New Member
to be honest i had an ap 4 paddle clutch in mine a while ago with the ap pressure plate and one of my springs broke out the plate to be honest i think that its just the ap racing paddle not being fit for purpose

like that was it i assume.

can someone resize that pic as its too big and i dont have time work calling sorry
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New Member

:sad: Yes but the spring in mine was brocken in half:sad: . :-D But know i have ordered a R.P.S 6 paddle max puk.8)