puff of blue smoke on gear change!!


New Member
Has the engine been rebuilt? If so then rings could still be bedding in.

But sounds more like turbo. If it gets more consistent then prob is.

Drain out some oil and see if the problem is still there.


New Member
cheers people, any idea how much its gonna be to have the turbo reconed??? is there anywhere near blackpool that can do it??? how much should i be prepared to pay???


New Member
Not sure on recond. but for about £700 you could get a new beast capable of 400bhp....

so really, your nuts if you pay anymore than £250 on a recon. Might be better finding a standard one for sale on here...


Staff member
Sam, do you still have any of your emissions pipework etc. Could that be putting the crankase crap into your cylinder off throttle as your sump is slightly overfilled?

Could be turbo too, just trying to think of alternatives.

fubar andy

Moderator & N/W Rep
Staff member
Were you giving it some?

Now and again I used to get puff's of blue smoke when the engine was very hot and the oil was so thin it was passing through the seals! :?