Probs sometimes when accelerating

  • Thread starter Little Miss Road Rage
  • Start date

Little Miss Road Rage

Sometimes when I boot my R it sort of dies. It feels just like I take my foot off the throttle and put it down again even though I haven't. It does it mainly when I'm lower on fuel 1/4 tank or less. It feels fuel related to me. My bf reckons that the force pushes me back in my seat and my foot comes off the throttle. That just means he doesn't have to look at it to find out whats wrong. Any ideas.

Jonny H

could be the fuel pump on its way out? just out of interest are you running standard boost?


Active Member
Could be a uprated bosch fuel pump fitted which isn't designed to work lying down as in the R, the pick up on the standard pump could also have broken off causing the same problem, either way your going to be looking at the fuel pump theres a guide in the "how to" section for changing the pump which will come in handy to check it :wink:


Active Member
Either that or you're really short :lol:

Sounds like fuel surge to the back of the tank away from the pickup.

Worth checking the fuel pump install.

Most uprated fuel pumps are of narrower diameter than the standard so require a sleeve to fit the pump carrier in the tank. If this isn't fited the pump can move about causing the pickup to move too high.

Does it only happen on 1/4 tank or when full as well?

If it happens when you have a full tank too, replace your fuel filter it may just have picked up some shite that keeps geting sucked up when you gas it.

Oh... and tell the b/f he's a lazy get! :lol: :lol: :lol:

GeeTee 8)

Little Miss Road Rage

I think its a standard fuel pump. I'm gonna get an uprated one sometime. It only seems to happen when I've got 1/4 tank or less. I've had a new fuel filter so i don't think its that.
Cheers for the help.


Active Member
I've only really heard of fuel surge being a problem when going quickly round bends.

Does that sound right?

Could be the throttle position sensor playing up too.


Little Miss Road Rage

Don't think its the throttle position thingy cause its done it a couple of times when I'm cruising and not moving throttle. Think the fuel pump might be sucking in air so gonna try changing that when i've saved up. I'll just have to visit the fuel station before I get to 1/4 tank.
I've not noticed it on bends.


Active Member
that's weird.

It may be a fuel pickup problem, but why when you are just cruising, the fuel level will be static. Unless the fuel pump is intermittently under performing.

Might be your fuel reg pissing about or something totally unrelated.

What makes you so sure it is fuel related?

At the start of the thread you said this only happens when you put your foot down, now it is when cruising.... could be something else.

GeeTee 8)

Little Miss Road Rage

uh oh just left the gym tonight and my car was cold (just done 50 mile sponsored bike ride so it was really cold) and I went to overtake a car it lost power twice and then kangarooed a bit and then took off like normal and I've got over 1/2 tank of fuel.
I drove straight to workshop and picked up bf/mechanic but it wouldn't do it again. Gonna try taking it out when its colder and seeing if it does it.
Only taking a guess at fuel prob, it just felt a bit like fuel.