

Active Member
What problem?

I dont want to sound patronising to all those fellow R owners who are having some problems with their pride and joys, but I just wanted to start a thread for all those of us who have an R, use it every day, and have nothing but enjoyment from every single time they use it!! We even had a scooby driver ask if he shud get an R, and some peeps (albeit the older generation :wink: ) said no!!! :shock:

I have had my R for about 4 months now, it was running less than standard when I got it, and I paid a fairly low price for it. Now its running 289bhp on 1Bar, with 301bhp on scramble at 1.1Bar, and I am loving every minute of it!! I get so much enjoyment out of my R , its by far the best fun i've had in a car!!! (Apart from that night in the 480Turbo, but thats my personal fave :wink: ):shock: :shock:

Anyway, if there's any other R owners that love their R's, and wanna try and combat this generally negative feeling about the R, then post here!!!! Wanna hear some happy stories!!

P.S. I'm so hoping to god i dont cripple the bl00dy thing tomorrow!!


just wait bud, its like stuffing your face with cheeseburgers when your 21, it soon catches up ;)


I ran mine for over 2 1/2 years with no problems at all 8) :wink: .

The only problem's my car has now are problem's made by me the sad g i t that wouldn't leave it alone and just injoy it :roll: :roll: :cry: .



Active Member
Ah yes, the temptation to go further!?!? :wink: :lol:

Altho i'm happy running 300 at the mo, I can't help be tempted with new clutch, engine rebuild, big tubby, 1.5bar etc etc!! But is the extra money worth the extra performance?? :?:


Active Member
Just to bring oap into the thread. . . . . . would i be correct in assuming that Rob is only the second biggest spender in R history????? :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink:


Active Member
How's your standard clutch coping at 1 bar then fella?

You not getting any slip? I was going to go to 1 bar as well, but as I've still got the standard clutch in I've not bothered yet :( :lol:



New Member
I ran mine with a standard clutch at 1.2 bar for 18 months! it done well
in fact my car done 30,000 miles with nothing but a new alternater and battery it was only when I stuck the boost up to 1.5bar that things went wrong oh yeah and launching at 5,500 didn't help!!


Active Member
Alright Paz, the standard clutch is holding up pretty well, although it is relatively new. :D It was only put on the R a month before I bought it in Nov last year. How old is your standard clutch? :?: If its relatively new it'll hold for a good few months. If its an old one, then it will probably start slipping almost immediately. :(

One thing I have noticed tho, is that the clutch pedal arm is starting to creak a bit! I think I might need to invest in one of those strengthening brackets. :wink:


New Member
vpulsar said:
I ran mine for over 2 1/2 years with no problems at all 8) :wink: .

The only problem's my car has now are problem's made by me the sad g i t that wouldn't leave it alone and just injoy it :roll: :roll: :cry: .

Yep same here, i ran mine for nearly 2years with no problems then me like a kn0b sack decided to have a go at a DIR rebuild and it went t1ts up since then.

Can't wait to get her back soon and start enjoying her again (hope the misses don't ready this as she may think i'm referring to someone else :lol: )


No problems with mine... sounds like I've been in ownership for a similar length of time.. clutch is on it's way out but other than that and a new battery, all seems well and I use it every day!



Active Member
warringtonjack said:
Alright Paz, the standard clutch is holding up pretty well, although it is relatively new. :D It was only put on the R a month before I bought it in Nov last year. How old is your standard clutch? :?: If its relatively new it'll hold for a good few months. If its an old one, then it will probably start slipping almost immediately. :(

One thing I have noticed tho, is that the clutch pedal arm is starting to creak a bit! I think I might need to invest in one of those strengthening brackets. :wink:
Its been in there a while, so I'll stick to my original plan and not bother till it goes I think :lol: ;)




warringtonjack said:
Just to bring oap into the thread. . . . . . would i be correct in assuming that Rob is only the second biggest spender in R history????? :lol: :wink: :lol: :wink:
don't get me started now :twisted:

rob is the only one allowed to wind me up :wink:

Dooie Pop Pop

New Member
what negative feelings? :? cant see any from here mate :wink: :lol: just a few blokes that reached the current limits of the car a while ago and have learned that development usually results in upset before triumph. its the bank balance thats hurting :wink:
had my R for 18 months, used everyday and i love it to bits (quite literally this last couple of weeks :oops: ) no negative feelings about the car at all. i just wish i had the skills to do whats right by it 100% of the time instead of blundering around on here asking stupid questions :roll:

iv replaced most of the R 'consumable' list except the engine and tubby :lol: nothings actually broke,with the exception of the lamba 6-9months ago
put in poly bushes cos the oe ones were tired if that counts. imho iv caused about 99.95% of the problems iv had with it :oops:


Fast Guy

Staff member
Things must be getting bad when some one starts a Problem thread because their car is not breaking down :lol:

I thought I was getting my first running problem the other night. Everytime I came off the throttle I was hearing a funny warbling/whisting type noise. I was getting abit worried until it did it while I was stationary. So I closed the passenger window which I noticed was just open a crack and letting the wind make this wierd noise :oops:

So almost 3 years with just a power steering pump :D (but only cos I'm carrying the other 2 problems :p )


New Member
Good post m8, just what we need with all the whinging, and selling up thats going on at the mo :D
Long live the 'R :wink: :lol: