problem with boost gauge pipe


is this the right place to tap into with t piece to connect the boost gauge?

i aaume thats the little black box that send signal to the standard gauge




New Member
you can tap in any where you like .why don't you tap in on the engine some where ?like at the dump valve or the actuator pipe .


just heard this was the best place and most common wanna keep it nice and simple so it'll work fine on this pipe?


New Member
zxczxc said:
just heard this was the best place and most common wanna keep it nice and simple so it'll work fine on this pipe?
If this is where the standard one goes i cant see why not its as good a place as any :thumbsup:


Active Member
Yep, that'll do you just fine. That little plastic box is the MAP sensor for the OE boost gauge.

If you didn't want the hose to be that long, you could use a vacuum take off nearer the plenum, that'll do just fine too !


Staff member
steve963 said:
I used the pipe which goes to the fuel rail, wont cause any probs will it??
What pipe that goes to the fuel rail :shock: Theres no vac pipes going to the fuel rail, you haven't used either of the ones going to the fuel reg have you.
I would imagine he means the vacuum pipe that goes to the fpr? This pipe T's into the pipe that goes to the map sensor anyway so it's fine.


the vacuum pipe varies the degree the pressure regulator operates at, by varying throttle degrees with open or closed throttle.
the regulator will only deliver a max (of ithink 3half bar) it does not shut off under vacuum, if it did then your car will die.
this is why its not a good idea to tap directly into the fp vacuum pipe, as it can alter the opening/closing of the regulator!


Staff member
pulsarboby said:
this is why its not a good idea to tap directly into the fp vacuum pipe, as it can alter the opening/closing of the regulator!
You took the words right out of my mouth mate

Steve963, I'd re-route your boost gauge if I were you, do it from the map sensor or the vacuum from to the dump valve but the best place would be the boost soliniod vacuum pipe on the passenger end of the plenum chamber.


Active Member
I didnt think the pipe from the passenger side of the plenum was a vacuum pipe as its before the throttle bodies?