problem with battery power, help needed!

Hello, I have just bought a GTI-R five days since and its just broke down for the third time! The battery is fine but it wasn't getting any charge from the alternator! I fitted a new alternator two days since, was all ok but have just yet again got a flat battery! Any ideas how to fix it, is there any fuses that blow regularly or broken wires anywhere????
Yes, it has an aftermarket alarm but it is not draining the battery, It died while driving it about 20 mins since! Earths stil attatched and secure but dont have a multimeter or any equipment here to check it! I've had to make a pitstop at my parents house to put some charge into it! Any other ideas please??


was it a new alternator or a secondhand one?
you really need to check the charge rate again, if still not charging which it obviously isnt, check all the connections to the back of the alternator and especially the main live feed multi plug, make sure it has 12v going to it constant.
if so, then its possible the new alternator is faulty (it does happen)
also check the belt hasnt broke lol

nearlly forgot:der: when checking the live feed DO NOT just pull the plug off the back without disconnecting one of the battery leads first, or this will damage the voltage stabilizer in the alternator, same when putting the plug back again!
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I bought a new ADL alternator as it was the best, most reliable an most expensive and I didn't want to have to do the job twice! The belts still fine but guess i will have to see if i can crawl home and fix it at work tomorrow! Not going to be impressed if its a dodgy alternator! I just wanted to check that there wasn't anything else I'd missed! Thanks for your help mr! :-D