Problem Solved Section


New Member
One of the most popular sections is the problem solving section,we all have problems and search for advice and answers but u'll be lucky to find the solution just suggestions,trys and maybes because when the problem is solved no one ever posts the fix as their just happy its done and can go on trying to find the answer to the next thing thats gone wrong,i think a problem solved section or somthing along those lines would be very helpfull.


New Member
I know what you mean, it's irritating to see all the suggestions but never know what the solution was, so you end up having to try them all yourself :roll:

That's why I make sure that I put the solution at the end of my threads, but fortunately my R's been a good'un so far without many problems :-D

I hope I haven't jinxed myself now :doh:


New Member
Nice one kirko,i thought about it 2 years ago it just took me this long to get the spelling rite.
OZ-'R'acing sorry but it wont be long bud.


It seems to be a good idea, But what makes you think that the people will post in this new section if they can't be bothered to say how the problem was fixed in their original thread.



New Member
True rob but i reckon if there was a section people would make the effort,me being one of them,there could be a note on the problem solving page TELLING people to post solutions in the problem solved section.


Admin or mods should chase up with pm's to those who have posted in problem section to remind them to report the solution to their problem.

Or, slap a big reminder in red at the top of each problem section.


they would all be the same though-

'well its fixed now i took it to a tuner and they ass raped me untill it started working again'


'i really recomend this tuner because they looked after me'

in reality there was a hose off somewhere and it took a weeks wages to fix it
im in a bad mood today:twisted:


New Member
Exactly if people had the answers they wouldnt need to go to a tuners and get their asses widened they could do the easy fixes themselves.
From my experience most of the common problems can be caused my a million and one things and there isn't one definitive way to fix it: hesitating, misfire etc etc. In theory a good idea, not sure it would work though. What about a 'common problems' section with a step by step check list of things to ermm check... :-D


New Member
Some people just dont know how to help themselves,i know id want the answers in front of me instead of searching through the problem solving section,finding a thread that sounds just like your problem,reading it,getting all exited then it ends with no answers.Then you start your own thread,you get no response cos its been asked 1000s of times before and everyones thinking do a search you tosser,or you could be really lucky and get 15 replys,try this and it could be that.


To be honest the majority of problems (Not neccessarily all problems) are in the problem solving section of the forum.

If a lot of the newbees bothered to use the search function they would find 90% of the problems and answers in that section.

If they have a look and cant find the problem then fair enough post a thread and 99% of people will be happy to answer.

For example - When i was wondering what oil to put in my gearbox, transfer box and diff i searched and found all the info i needed! (This was not a hard question to answer at all but instead of posting a new thread i did some research first so never had to ask after all).

And when my clutch shat it self 2 days ago i searched the forum for answers and only found half the info i needed so i posted my own thread after searching for a few hours!

By all means if someone searches and cannot find the answer to the question then start a new thread by all means and 99% of people will be more than willing to answer, but if someone posts a question which has been anwered hundreds of times without bothering to use the search function then they are going to get flamed a bit.

NB - I have been out drinking tonight so if my post sounds offensive or offends anyone i will sort it out tomorow afternoon when my hangover has dissapeared!


Active Member
I think its best that there isnt one (although a good idea) that way you can mess around for ages trying to fix one problem find a few more and eventually fix them all , makes you lazy when there is a answer for everything and you feel more satisfied when you did it on your own.

Not every problem which sounds the same are the same problem although all the answers are on here i think near enough all the ones ive had which kind of were related are on here, cheers ppl :thumbsup:

Just have to use the search button!! then if you cant find it start a thread and reply in it you findings to the problem.

I had to change my starter motor found a thread on removing it without removing the throttle bodies i decided to take off the throttle bodies found a few hoses/plugs which needed pushing on a bit further and the knock sensor wasnt screwed into the block it was just hanging there! so its best do do things your way sometimes instead of trying to do things the easy way which worked for someone else wont necessarily work for you. if id of followed the thread id still have a unscrewed knock sensor and hoses not on properly (probably, then id have a boost leak and id have to find it maybe).

Just my 2 cents.


New Member
A few fair points so i'll leave it at,could a note be left on the problem solving section to leave the answer to their question if they ever find one.I just looked at 5 pages of old threads and only 4 people botherd to say what the actual problem was.:shock:


Staff member
dal.a said:
could a note be left on the problem solving section to leave the answer to their question if they ever find one.
Can't hurt…….

I've changed the subtitle to the "Problem Solving" forum.
