PPG Dog Boxes


hi, i read that rishi is getting a PPG Dog Box, just wondering if anyone can give me some info on these such as price, gearing, if its a full box with housing etc.



hi mate,

Its just the straight cut gearset and dog components that PPG provide (1st - 4th gear only) for the dog box. Youre looking at about £2000-3000 for the gearset only depending on how well you barter with PPG :)

If you were thinking of dropping one into an R you would also want/need to consider:

- Gearbox casing
- Rings/Other Ancilleries - Nissan OE stuff is good enough in my opinion
- Selector forks etc - PPG do a replacement 3/4 selector fork for about £400 and you really want to use this
- 5th Gear - I'm going (as I think Rishi is) for a Helical cut 5th from Quaife.
- Case treatment - If you're going for a dog box, Im assuming you're probably running or plan to run more than 400 bhp. The GTIR has a gearbox casing which is weak and has been known to split/crack/explode - while straight cut gears do a lot to help workaround this problem, you will still have it. Im personally going for De-seaming, Shotpeening, Bracing and then Cryo treating mine to try to get the strongest case possible.

In terms of gearing, I posted the figures a while ago (the topic was Holinger Sequential Gearbox), cant find my email otherwise Id post them here for you :(

Hope that helps, Cheers Andy


thanks for the info, i already got a quaife box in mine (just bought ChrisS pulsar yesterday, absolutley amazing) just wanted to know if the PPG Dog Box was better, or around the same as the quaife one.


Still waiting on some shims!
Just think about drivability too... You can take the car back to Hiteq and ask Ian for his Bracing Mod... Or similarly ask 00sid for his... Both 00sid and Mo Jamal ran at TOTB using their bracings, and both drove home after a hard day on the track and drag strip without any problems...

Remember that its not the gearkit thats the problem... Its the thrust load on the casing caused by the Quaife's helical cut gears... Hence where the bracing comes in...

There is of course the PPG Straight Cut Syncro box which would allow for normal driving and remove thrust load... You'll just have more of a whine from the straight cut gears...

The full blown PPG Dog Box will be a pain for normal driving... But perfect for fast road, track and drag...



Still waiting on some shims!
cmng said:
just wondering.
OEM GTiR gear ratio ..
worth to WPC treatment it ?

Thats what they used to do to the gearsets in Japan... But there is still the issue of thrust load... Not really been an issue if you are using a clutch with spring plates as it takes some of the load out...



New Member
i have been checking with japanese Tuner about this WPC treatment on GTiR gearbox
was quoted around 600 pound plus shipping back for me
been informed that RNN14 gearbox commonly break at 400bhp level
a WPC treatment will make the gearbox stronger
a lot of RNN14 using this method with OS Giken Twin plate and still can survive for hard abuse

that what i was told


Still waiting on some shims!
I'm not sure the casing would hold out... And i know the gears wouldn't hold out especially at the 500 - 700bhp that people will be running...



New Member
500 to 700hp region is insane hp
and also involve insane of $$$

basically i looking at 400hp with reliable gearbox only
i think maybe it a good option to look at it


New Member
RishiGTiR said:
Just think about drivability too... You can take the car back to Hiteq and ask Ian for his Bracing Mod... Or similarly ask 00sid for his... Both 00sid and Mo Jamal ran at TOTB using their bracings, and both drove home after a hard day on the track and drag strip without any problems...

Remember that its not the gearkit thats the problem... Its the thrust load on the casing caused by the Quaife's helical cut gears... Hence where the bracing comes in...

I was looking at the bracing hiteq have done on R-types and Mo's box. Looked a nice job and decent price aswell.


Staff member
What's the price for the bracing from Hiteq or 00sid? I'm interested in it myself for casing piece of mind.

Looking at them I'm assuming they can be fitted in situ, is that correct?



New Member
campbellju said:
What's the price for the bracing from Hiteq or 00sid? I'm interested in it myself for casing piece of mind.

Looking at them I'm assuming they can be fitted in situ, is that correct?

Hiteq is £160 i believe, but that doesnt include getting the box out to do it.

00sids brace can be fitted in situ i understand, not sure on cost but looked a nice bit of kit.