Powerflex engine mount offset?


Active Member
Getting the drivers side driveshaft in. (was : Powerflex engine mount offset? )

I'm putting my engine back in, and I've got the OE gearbox mounts in place. But on the drivers side, my powerflex bush is not quite aligning up with the hole it should be. I'm recalling that there was some questions regarding an offset hole on the Powerflex bushes.
Have anyone fitted one of these mounts to just the drivers side before? Or is this common, and all I have to do is persuade it to go in? Can't see how I'm going to do that though.

Piccy :

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not particually as it shouldnt matter.
mabe try undoing the three bolts that bolt the mount to the bracket (even if you just loosten them) will give you more movement
btw my mount does not have an offest hole


Active Member
Did you fasten the mounts in a particular order?
I normally leave the front gearbox mount off and then fasten the engine mount first then fasten the rear gearbox mount then bolt the front gearbox mount back on the gearbox once its hanging on the other two mounts.


Active Member
Grr. Loosened the front gearbox mount, and managed somehow to get the drivers side mount in. I've got the bolt for the front gearbox mount through the first hole, but it's offset too much for me to be able to get it in the threaded end.. frustrating.

And then there's this guy, do I just whack at it until it goes in? Or should I have put this in at an earlier stage..?

I do have the service manual to refer to, but the pages with this shaft are corrupt.. :(


Staff member
I don't have polyflex bushes, but I do remember having to jack the gearbox up a little to get that bolt to go through.

vss irvine

Well-Known Member
take the driveshaft out just now, and put it in once you have the engine/gearbox and transfer box in position


Active Member
take the driveshaft out just now, and put it in once you have the engine/gearbox and transfer box in position
I figured a little later that this also went under the name "driveshaft". :oops: I thought it was just the part that boltet onto this shaft that was called driveshaft. I wanted to double check that I could fit it with the engine in, instead of getting the mounts aligned, and THEN figuring out I would have to remove it again. But I just force it in then?

I don't have polyflex bushes, but I do remember having to jack the gearbox up a little to get that bolt to go through.
I've tried several angles with the jack, but the problem is of a horizontal nature, not vertical. I'm worried that this will cause unneccesary stress on the casing. I played with the thought that this was due to the front "drooping" as it is on axle stands now, but I would like to think that the car is stiff enough to cope with that. I'll have to do a number with a crowbar and a friend I think, if I'm going to get it in.


Active Member
yes knock it in with a hammer and block of wood, then bolt the 6x bolts and driveshaft to it.

or you can assemble it all together first then put it into the car.
Great stuff, thanks! Will have to get the mount in before I dare fiddle with other things, so I'm off now. Wish me luck! :p


Active Member
Ok, got the engine mount in now! The shaft didn't want to go in now, but I'm always scared of breaking things. I'll try later and harder. :D


Active Member
I've tried it, but it doesn't want to go in. I don't know how hard I'm supposed to hit it, but..

I took a peek inside the hole to see if things were lined up, and this thing is in the way, is this normal...? I should have looked when I took it out I think.
I've poked at it, but it seems pretty solid.



Active Member
I've just come back from the garage, and on the way home, I was hoping that this thread would just die quietly, but nooo... I figured out the same thing today. With all the LHD/RHD confusion, I've managed to mix them up. I'll be in the corner, hanging my head in shame if you need me. :oops:


Staff member
On the upside, it's not broken Trond!
Better to take the hit to your pride than have to replace the gearbox...


Active Member
That's true, I've been having engine-out and transferbox disassembly nightmares. Besides, it's not like I've not had anything else to do on the car in the meantime!