PowerFC PRO 1000cc Injector Corrections/Settings


Still waiting on some shims!
Does anyone know the PowerFC PRO correction settings for 1000cc injectors...

GINGA was kind enough to sort me out with the 700cc settings a while back... No idea where they came from... Possibly the FC-Logit Yahoo Group... Just need the 1000cc correction settings now...




I can find them for you, but it wont be until much later tonight ( working till 10.00pm :( )


ok bud, heres the instructions, hope it makes sense ! :D

There are two settings in the first injector box, size adjust and lag difference.

For size adjust, you need to divide the standard size by the new size and multiply the result by 100 to get a percentage. So in your case, it would be (440/1000)*100 = 44% ( I think Datalogit defaults to 110% for standard 440's though for some odd reason ). Basically what you are telling the ecu is that the new injectors only need to be on for 44% of the time the standard injectors were on for, to flow the same amount of fuel.

For the lag, you will need to find out the lag time of your new injectors and also the lag time of the standard injectors ( I don't know what the standard ones are... ? ). The lag difference is the difference between the two. So say for example the standard ones have a lag of 0.7 mS and the new ones have a lag of 1.2 mS, then the lag difference is 1.2 - 0.7 = 0.5 mS. The standard setting is 0.0 mS ( ie its only the difference between the standard ones and the new ones you need to put here, not the actual value )

For Inj duty versus battery voltage, take a guess... :D

Should be good enough to get it running right before a remap anyway. Hope it makes sense !

