Power runs whilst still limited to 112 mph


New Member
whats the score with having a power run on a RR whilst the car is still restricted to 112 mph?

will my output figures be any different if the car was de-restricted?




Active Member
Should be the same upto 112mph

Then you'll get a rather dramatic drop on the graph :lol:

GeeTee 8)


Active Member
To get a decent power run think you'll need to be delimited as they normally do them in 4th gear and you'll exceed the 112mph limiter in 4th iirc mine hit something like 125mph (7500rpm) lol


New Member
Yea, true Ginga, am constantly hitting the limiter in 4th :(

ill give p-stn a ring and see what they say, but i probably already know the answer :roll:

cheers for replies tho 8)



Active Member
they might be able to run it in 3rd but don't think it gives a accurate readings that way, but then you can hardly call rolling road figures based on guessing the transmission loss accurate anyway :roll:


ive always wondered why you guys dont pay attention to the whp figures.


Still waiting on some shims!
GINGA said:
they might be able to run it in 3rd but don't think it gives a accurate readings that way, but then you can hardly call rolling road figures based on guessing the transmission loss accurate anyway :roll:

They don't guess the loss... The computer works it out from when the tester lifts off the throttle and energy going through as the car rolls back down to idle...

This is how I know that the Quaife box has less transmission loss...



Active Member
trouble is the losses underload are different from when freewheeling so the crank hp is a rough guessimate made from measuring the freewheeling transmission resistance.
Crank Hp means squat really as its only what actually gets onto the road that matters :(


Still waiting on some shims!
Suppose so...

Still, the Quaife shows less transmission loss even if it is a guestimate... :)



Active Member
8) might just be because the box has been all rebuilt so should be back to be being perfect again but might also be that maybe the quaife box gear teeth aren't quite as angled as the standard one so has less resistance.


Still waiting on some shims!
GINGA said:
8) might just be because the box has been all rebuilt so should be back to be being perfect again but might also be that maybe the quaife box gear teeth aren't quite as angled as the standard one so has less resistance.

I'm sure that the Quaife gears are straighter... hence the whine... i think...??


following on from this....

got my car booked in at nobles to have the hks s-afr setup now all the bits are on the car.

mine is still limited, is this gonna cause a problem cus they will be setting her up on the rollers???

anyone want to lend me a delimiter for the day?? :D :D


ill answer me own question.. :)

rang nobles up & explained that car is limited so it will not rev out out in 4th gear, asked if this would cause a prob as cars are normally run in 4th gear on the rollers, he said that they use 4th because its generally the best gear for getting good grip on the rollers, but seeing as weve got 4 wheel drive, it will be no problem doing the power run in 3rd.


so BenD, answer to your question is no, figures should be just fine :D


New Member
Aye, cheers mate, i rang powerstation too, and they said the same as nobles 8) should have no probs :D

