Power FC and Maf Z32


hi there,

can anybody tell me why i only can run with the RB25 option by the power fc?? i have 2 x Z32 mafs (22680 30P00) here and both works same. so the wires are ok too. what is this?? in VG30 option the car runs up to 4000rom good but than it is badly and rattle in the car. whith the RB25 option the car runs good but it is not enough for over 400 bhp or not??

Please let me know what you think



thanks! but jobi is programming my car.. so we believe the fail is that the engine runs to rich only...


Staff member
To be sure you need to trace though your voltages to load value to load cell.

Measue the voltage to confirm what the output of the MAF is what is being read by the PFC. If the voltage is the same, check the load look up table, does that seem about right eg around 2000 at idle? How rich is it? are we talking 11's or below 10's? What sort of load is it giving at 4000, is it still on the map? If you are absolutely certain that you have got a good sesnor and that it is wired in and the voltage at the MAF is the same as in the PFC then you are only left with the load calculation.