Possible serious Apexi Power FC problem ??



I know I've mentioned this a few times, but I can't solve the problem - my base idle map is 40', not 20'.

I've disconnected the TPS, revved at 3000 rpm for 30s etc and checked the idle timing... its 40', just like the map says it is. I can drag it back down to 20' but that means putting a 20' error correction across the whole map...

I'm beginning to think my Apexi came with the wrong base map. Is their any chance someone else could check theirs ?

If they are the same as mine, then you are all running 20' in advance of where you think you are ( det city !!!! )

Just for info, here are the first couple of lines of my ignition map...

N01 N02 N03 N04 N05 N06 N07 N08
L01 30 32 40 40 43 45 46 48
L02 30 32 40 40 43 45 46 48
L03 30 32 40 40 43 45 50 50
L04 28 31 40 40 43 45 49 50
L05 28 30 39 38 42 43 48 49
L06 28 29 32 38 40 43 47 48

According to my timing light, it is exactly following the map :shock: :shock:



Jobi Joba

My R and my mate's are running PFCs...and are iddling at 40'... :roll: My mate has tried to change only the iddling figure (with his commander) bit it doesn't change anything...


I'm glad its not just me then ! :shock:

It looks like we have the wrong base map.... :evil: Luckily I've been taking it easy and not thrashing it....


Active Member
Mines running now and when at idle speed (950rpm) my timing is 20 degrees as seen in the monitor mode but as soon as the revs go above 1000rpm it jumps to 40 degrees which I believe is correct as you can put much more timing advance in at low rpm than at high rpm as theres far less pressure in the cylinders due to low compression and no boost etc.
try bringing your idle speed down (with the clutch if required)and see what your timing is with it at 900-950rpm :?:


thanks bud, that kind of makes sense. I was only looking at the ignition map at low rpm settings, I forgot about the self learning idle thing in the ecu. My idle is a shade over 1000 rpm so I'm probably running off the map directly and not the closed loop idle circuit.

I did notice one time that the idle had dropped to 20'... I wound off 20' using the commander, the revs dropped ( probably to just under 1000 rpm :roll: ) and the map reading had changed from 40' to 20'. That backs up exactly what you said 8)

Still sounds like a lot of advance, 40' at just over idle, but it runs ok and doesn't seem to be detting. Feckin Pulsars, never cease to amaze :D


Mines been idling like that since I got my PFC (ages ago, cant remember how long I've had it). Changed it to 20 today for a laugh, not much change- I have noticed that at 40 it's more likely to pop and stumble when idling, where as at 20 it idles smoothly. Doesn't bother me eitherway :)


lol, it just worries me that the timing starts at 40' at 1200 rpm and advances even further with higher rpm. I've never seen an engine before that needs that much advance so low down :shock: :D