possible electrical problem


Active Member
right the car has a map on it but it wont rev beyond 2k:shock: :doh: any ideas.the idle is a bit funny but ive re done most of the earths and that has helped... need it sorted asap so i can get my baby back on the road where she belongs


New Member
hardly ignition timing Jimmy??

Sounds more likely that the map has casued a problem... Can you go back to another one?


det sensor wouldn't make it stop at 2k?

you can overide a det sensor fault by running the det sensor wire from ecu through a voltmeter (so its grounded). at least you could rule it out then.


Active Member
right ok ill have to try that then.........if i hold dow the acclerator the revs just jump up n down to 2 k no more it ****ing odd and the middle gauges bounce around now..since i changed the clutch


Active Member
the oil pressure is way over 8:shock: :doh: but that bullshit other wise oil would **** out of every seal on the engine the oil temp is waving at me...im running a standard ecu with a emanage attached.still no joy


Active Member
Jimmy, how about posting what you wrote in English???

ie, "right the car has a map on it", do you mean it has a map on the roof, just like the confederate flag on the General Lee? No? ok, if you mean it has an aftermarket ECU fitted, which one?


Active Member
right first off screw you stumo for your helpful input..thank you for everyone else who tried to help......i found out today what the problem was a loose earth off the gearbox and the car not revving over 2k turned out to be the cat temp sensor:shock: so i just unpluged it and hey presto it all good now:thumbsup:


New Member
stumo said:
Jimmy, how about posting what you wrote in English???

ie, "right the car has a map on it", do you mean it has a map on the roof, just like the confederate flag on the General Lee? No? ok, if you mean it has an aftermarket ECU fitted, which one?
read his previuos post stumo

jimmyback said:
the oil pressure is way over 8 but that bullshit other wise oil would **** out of every seal on the engine the oil temp is waving at me...im running a standard ecu with a emanage attached.still no joy
16-08-2006 16:10