


i`ve just done a large repair wwhere i had to take my turbo, outlet manifold, radiator and all the surrounding bits off. now its complete and the car runs ok

except when i try and boot it, the engine splutters and stalls, and i get a very loud cracking noise coming from my exhaust, not the end of the exhaust, more like where the decat is.

if i accelerate slowly, the car will go fine its just when i put my foot down.

i had the same problem a while ago when i steam cleaned the engine, the car would pop and stall when accelerating hard, but before i did the repair the car was fine so i can`t put it down to the electrics being damp cos its been stood for a bit.


Fast Guy

Staff member
check that you have all the small vaccuum hoses connected correctly.
Is your boost gauge reading ok? You might be detting.
Have you serviced it lately? If you haven't it might be due a new set of plugs/leads/dizzy cap/rotor arm etc.


New Member
check all your injectors are gettin a pulse fron the ecu sounds similar a problem i had a while ago also check the drop resistor as this could b faulty.