Polishing one of


New Member
Im going to polish up my rocker cover, get it all shiny and stuff, is there anything i need to put on it afterwards to stop it going dull or corroding.

Ive done a search and i know people are against it an reccomend getting it chrome dipped or something, but i dont want to go down this route.

I dont mind having to polish it every month or so!


Staff member
Ask chan (mr gtir), he knows what he's on about with the cleaning/polishing and stuff.



New Member
Just keep water off it mate as once it get's watermarked your fooked!

I'm having mine repolished at Leigh metal Polishers. Top bunch of lads and very cheap if you speak to John and tell him i sent you.

They are based round the corner from you Neil :wink:

Don't get it chomed as it's too much high maintaince to keep 'shinny'.

Once polished just keep cleaning it and using Autosol on it on a regular basis and it will be fine. Word of advice, only polish it when it's cold :roll:


New Member
If you can't find them (Leigh Metal polishers) let me know as they are a swine to find. btw, you are closer to them than i am.

If you have seen the pipe work on Pete's red Pulsar then you can see the quality of their work. Mine is going back in next week to get all redone :wink:


My dad is a metal finisher by trade. He did me a gold plated rocker cover for my last car which looked the nuts but was a bar steward to keep clean. I mentioned it to him and he was out there polishing it back up to its best :D

It was very bling!

Think i might get him to chrome plate one for my R this time. Can't beat getting it done for nowt can you!



theres a product to protect the shine in the recent banzai mag,
think the product is Zooseal or Zoopseal or summit.

says its puts a protective layer over polished metal


Mr GTiR said:
Don't get it chomed as it's too much high maintaince to keep 'shinny'.
This really isn’t the case mate, I polished my plenum to a mirror then got it chromed, I haven’t touched it since the day it was done and it still looks mint. I can guarantee the polished surface wouldn’t have kept its mirror finish without maintaince.


New Member
JU5TY said:
Mr GTiR said:
Don't get it chomed as it's too much high maintaince to keep 'shinny'.
This really isn’t the case mate, I polished my plenum to a mirror then got it chromed, I haven’t touched it since the day it was done
but your cars been sat in the garage safe from the elements numbnuts :wink: :p :lol: :lol:

carls (gtir303) is chromed and has been outside :wink: and looks shiney still


New Member
the problem i have is that my scoop has no rubber cover on it so every time i drive in the rain it gets covered in water marks and sh1te :evil:


New Member
Mr GTiR said:
the problem i have is that my scoop has no rubber cover on it so every time i drive in the rain it gets covered in water marks and sh1te :evil:
And front grill lol :p

I must admit the pipework on pete's R is of high standard, think even he was amazed on what they where able to achieve for him :D
